Many associate strength with might–numbers, stature, ability to enforce. I know, that’s how the word is commonly used.
But I don’t think of strength that way at all.
I consider the trait of strength to be personal, individual. So it couldn’t be reliant on outside conditions (e.g. who is biggest) or firepower–it’s not “strength” to be holding the biggest gun. That’s a condition that can change, no doubt about it!
But an inner calmness, a solid rooting in what’s important to you, and holding fast to it? That’s strength, to me at least.
Strength doesn’t need others to agree. Insecurity does. Strength doesn’t need to justify or defend. That’s uncertainty. Strength doesn’t need to struggle, because strength isn’t fighting against anything.
Strength just stands tall, and sure, being true to self above all else.
Strength, from the Zombie Tarot. Because, October.
The “Zombie Protection” bullets here aren’t loaded into a gun. The biggest bullet is shown superimposed on the brain. Get that? Your brain is really your best protector.
Strength doesn’t come from the outside. Like everything else, it’s an inside job. Strength is just knowing, and holding steady to the knowing.
[bctt tweet=”Strength is not measured in force. It’s measured in steadiness. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]
It’s a good time to harness your strength–call upon your sense of conviction, your beliefs about what’s right, your love for yourself and others to tap into that steady, solid, dependable stream of inner strength. A light touch is all you need–steady, light, sure. That’s the vibration of strength and it will serve you well not only next week.
What’s strength, to you?