Dealing with strife is something we’ve made harder than it needs to be. And in doing so, we’ve also made it far more painful.
Imagine having someone close to you, living out a substance abuse scenario in glorious full-color…ouch, right? Most who find ourselves there have a number of very understandable, very uncomfortable reactions. None feel very good.
We worry–how many ways could this go south, and how many people will it take out with it? We visualize disaster–and the expectation, in seeing a train wreck in the making, is not without basis.
We try to reign it in before impact. But there’s no way to do that for someone else. And a train wreck is a train wreck. Once momentum hits critical mass, it’s going where it’s going and nobody trying to grab on will make an impact. They’ll only get beat up trying.
(Pictured train wreck is the Montparnasse derailment of 1895. I would have wanted to be standing back, when that train came through.)
All the come-to-Jesus talking, all the bargaining and the watching and the trying to control what cannot be controlled, all the begging and wishing and raging won’t change for another person. Because that’s not your job or your right. Only for you.
But what if…what if you opted out of the drama? What if your intention, your perspective from a step back, made it possible for you to honor the good in a situation without immersing yourself in the pain?
I want to harmonize with what I believe to be good.
What would your life look like, if you tried to live that intention? What kind of vibe do you think that would build for you? What if you didn’t try to figure it out for anybody else, or you didn’t try to compensate for what you perceive as weakness, and just focused on what you love and appreciate? They are both part of what we opt to see as reality. There’s no universal law that says focusing on the crap side brings rewards.
When you focus on your love, on your belief in freedom, and the goodness you’d like to see for those you care about and the world at large…you become a mirror for that energy. You amplify it. You shine it and help others who’d like to reflect it, just by your example. Your influence grows and you feel good. You can actually make a difference and not get bloodied doing it. You get there by standing back from the “full reality” and reflecting the better reality.
Everybody runs their own (metaphorical) trains. Best to step back when you see one barreling through, holding on to he best of intentions and faith, while you mind your own itinerary.
Next Week’s Forecast
(Text below as appears in the video. )
The first thing that jumps out at me about this combination of cards here, is there is going to be a certain degree of a need for detachment. And distance. As the week wears on.
Monday is Judgment. Which I find a little bit ironic, because Judgment, to me, one of the least judgy cards in the deck. However, the idea that you take a step back from blame or not blame, being happy with something or not being happy with something, and just kind of evaluate results. Evaluate, “Hey, this worked out for me. Hey, this could have worked out better.” It’s kind of what the Judgment energy is all about, so Monday, whatever you can do to kind of step back and look at things in that light, will be good for you overall.
Tuesday, we’ve got the Magician reversed. So, things will be going on that are out of your control. Get over it. Sorry, that’s not very warm and fuzzy. But if it’s out of your control, it’s out of your control.
Wednesday, we have the World! Upright. And to work with the energy of the World, you do your best to do your best. And don’t worry about what other people are doing. Take advantage of your abilities, your expertise, your knowledge. And use what you’ve got to the fullest extent you can. That’s how you work with the World.
Thursday, we have the Star, which is kind of a nice interlude here.. The Star is about hope. Not promise, not sure thing. But optimism. And bright light, and what I want to tell you about this card in particular and Thursday is: give yourself permission to be optimistic. Give yourself permission to hope for the best and not dream of the worst. Give yourself permission to look on the bright side. Even if it seems like it’s itty bitty tiny small. Okay. It will kind of open the way for energy to flow for you on Thursday and make it a little bit easier.
[bctt tweet=”Give yourself permission to be optimistic, without cause. #OnMyRadar” via=”no”]
Friday I’ve got the Nine of Wands! This guy is pretty much always tired. So, you know, that is what it is. I will say that when I see the Nine of Wands, I do know that you can hold out. You can get through whatever you need to get through. In this case, the week! And, you’ll make it, just maybe you’re kind of sick of it. The feeling that I’m getting with this is, just, the feeling of kind of being burned out, and, and tired of hearing the same thing and maybe a little cranky. But you know, you do what you need to do.
So…don’t stress anything. Yes, you will get where you need to be and you are towards the end of the cycle. By the time you hit a nine, so that’s something to feel good about. But it is what it is.
Saturday, I’ve got the Five of Cups. And I don’t know what to tell you about that, other than there’s a possibility emotions are going to be twangy and people are gonna be feeling what’s not right, feeling what they don’t have, feeling a sense of loss. Obviously this is a forecast for the collective, so, it’s not super individual in that sense. But the collective is made up of a lot of individuals.
So whatever you’re feeling in that regard, feel it! You know, let it come, let it go, be kind to yourself in between. It’s not that hard. Just, all of it passes. Everything passes. Life is a temporary condition! Life is a transitory condition. So, you’re feeling bad, that certainly is, too. Give yourself a chance to get over it. Okay?
And Sunday, I have the Four of Wands reversed. And, I’m reading this today as, you have to make a little extra effort to make a place feel safe. Or comfortable for you. I think it’s worth it, but it’s not automatic. You have to make effort. Um, doesn’t necessarily have to be a big to-do. Although it could be, if you wanted it to be. But…take steps to, to, to create a comfortable environment for yourself. A corner of your home, or you know, a night out with friends, with people that you really trust, or, or whatever. Safe space. Not in an overbearing kind of way where you tell other people what they can and can’t do, but make a safe space for you.Okay?
The overview or advice card that we’ve got for the week is Death reversed! That’s funny, it makes me think, “Death warmed over! Death warmed over!”
And what I want to say about that is…there’s a tendency right now to want to push, push, push, push, push or to try to hurry things along. And it’s not gonna work. So, why bother? Understand that what you think is the end of something may not be, or what you think something that should be ended, maybe there’s a purpose you don’t necessarily see. You don’t know all there is to know about it, but just take things as they come, okay? Take things as they come. It’s, it ain’t over until that fat lady sings. And, you don’t need to sing.
For the affirmation card, from the Louise Hay deck, I have “My future is glorious.” Ohhhh. And the back says, “I now live in limitless love, light and joy. All is well in my world.”
Now, that particular sentiment might be a little much for where you’re feeling or how you’re feeling. But the idea of focusing on that, you know: you live in love, you have control over that. Not whether or not you have a lover in your life, but whether or not you live in a loving state, yes, you do! You have complete control over that.
So, joy and light and love are things you have control over. And if you look to consciously shift your focus, your mood, your vibration to a place of joy and love and life, your future will not only feel more glorious, it will become more glorious.
It’s okay to feel however you feel, you know, but do what you can to raise that, raise that, raise that a little bit at a time.
Are you feeling it? Take a step back and give yourself permission to drive your own train.
This week’s forecast features the Morgan-Greer Tarot and Louise Hay’s Power Thought Cards. What your own consult? Go here.