Mostly inverted cards. Themes this week include not jumping the gun, paying attention to what’s yours to attend to, and self-care. Solar Eclipse in Pisces at the end of the week. I’m expecting the week to hold some shockers, and a certain intensity where lots of people may be struggling to keep their cool. Can you be the sane one?
Just taking a second to enjoy the irony of me asking that question. Snort.

This Week’s Tarot Forecast in Bullet Points
- Monday, Princess of Swords rx. Misunderstandings highly possible. Restrain yourself from acting on partial info. No leaping before you look.
- Tuesday, Nine of Pentacles rx. Again, a feeling of incomplete understanding. Pieces of the puzzle are not all together.
- Wednesday, Ten of Wands rx. Is this your circus, your monkeys? If not, let it be, man. Which is never bad advice, frankly.
- Thursday, Queen of Swords. A welcome respite. Just the facts! No editorializing, guessing or embellishing. Bullet points and a little goal-oriented, directness wins the day.
- Friday, Ace of Pentacles rx. Enjoy yourself sure, but don’t overbook it. Burn the candle at one end but not both. Pace yourself, yo!
- Saturday, Seven of Cups. Lots of choices about how you frame events. You want to be happy? Call upon the broadest, most generous and loving perspective you can latch on to.
- Sunday, Six of Pentacles rx. Don’t give gifts with strings, what you don’t freely have to give, or out of a sense of obligation or rescue desire.
- Overview/Advice, Tower rx. “The sky is falling!” is the week’s refrain. Dirt unearthed, sure, but life WILL go on. You can freak out if you want, but you don’t have to.
- Affirmation: Play! Self-explanatory. Play is healing so do it!
Notes on the Solar Eclipse on the 26th: In Pisces and to me, this time period feels very, very squish, with some fireworks scattered to spur impulse control issues for good measure…call upon the power of a blissed out Neptune. Highly sensitive, charged time so self-care, down time, water-drinking and relaxation (including art, music and movies) helps tremendously.
Next week’s full Tarot Forecast in video format, here.
In fact, I think this screenshot from the video forecast sums it up nicely. Maybe I should have just let that tell the whole story, huh?
How are y’all doing out there?
This week’s forecast features the Tarot Illuminati (not the Alex Jones kind) and Wisdom of the Crone deck. You know where to find me if you wanna talk, one-on-one.