Somebody, somewhere said, “In every ending, there is a beginning.” That’s this week in a nutshell. A mash-up of endings leading to beginnings.
We’ve got a couple of Tarot Tens, which speak to wrapping things up, and a couple of Aces, which speak to starting something new. In between, there are choices, details, and a little shot of optimism. This could work! But it’s not all sunshine and roses, every minute. The bumps in the road look to be specifically related to integrating what you’ve learned so far into your now, your partnerships, and coming out the other end with a more solid, long-term vision for the future. You can do this!
Monday, Co-workers – Seven of Pentacles Reversed: Those damn people you work with just don’t always take the long term view Agh! Somebody needs to. Could it be you?
Tuesday, Past – Nine of Wands Reversed: What did you bail on before it was quite done? That’s the clean up left. Not a lot, but a little, and that little bit remaining is important.
Wednesday, Partner – Two of Swords: A choice to be made between you and your partner. Weight it out, and consider the facts. Take into account everyone’s needs, not just those of either self or other. Rational is the way to go here. Careful balancing will give you the best result. Be fair.
Thursday, Finances – Ace of Cups: A new financial opportunity…or even just a bit of optimism. A currently small but encouraging bright spot related to money.
Friday, Past Life – Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Something that seemed like bad luck at the time maybe was not. Why? It gave you something you needed, even if you didn’t know.
Saturday, You – Five of Swords: You can wipe up the floor with any opponents today. Don’t be a poor sport if you do, though.
Sunday, Pros – Ace of Pentacles: Efforts are especially productive today, even if it seems like just a “little bit.”
Advice/Overview – Ten of Cups: You can get your guidance this week form looking to your emotional states, and in particular which options you feel “at home” with. The best choices this week ring true to your heart, and feel consistent with your family heritage. In other words, those values you carry with you, possibly some so deep they seem to run in your blood? Honor them. Honor yourself. This will guide you.
Affirmation, Leadership – Archangel Gabriel: “It is time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others.” In the context of this week’s reading, I’m seeing the need to be very clear about what works for you and take the lead on moving in that direction. The people that should be walking next to you down that path, will follow. Release attachment to who comes along. Release attachment to anyone else’s choices. Just make your own, and focus on maintaining a generous, loving attitude. Lead by example, and by conviction. A heart full of joy and love makes a very compelling example.
How’s your week looking?
Schedule a session with Dixie.