January 22

01/23/13: Something Bigger | 4 of Fire


4-wands“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu

This is the Four of Wands, or Four of Fire in Osho-Zen speak, “Participation.” Traditionally, you see this card for a big event—wedding, funeral, celebration, graduation, whatever.

The book identifies this symbol as mandala double dorje, a Tibetan symbol for thunderbolt and a source of tremendous energy. That’s in keeping with the traditional version of this card. The giving and receiving, back and forth, make the whole greater than the sum of it’s parts. It is a marriage of energy, and yours is definitely in the mix.

I’d look to be part of a bigger whole today. That’s where the magic happens.

Do you feel part of something bigger?

Osho Zen Tarot Set
by US Games

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Four of Wands, Osho Zen

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