The world feels a little crazy now. Have you noticed?
[Insert maniacal laughter here.]
I’m not bothered too much by it, personally. Sure, I feel for people suffering, but I see it much differently than many do.
I’ve felt lots of energy shifts over the last few years. Massive and global energy sifts. The turbulence is a symptom, not an end diagnosis.
The outcomes I’m seeing (and further expecting) are social changes, not social collapses. But “Tower moments” as the status quo breaks down is often a part of major change. It’s happened so many in my own life, I’ve lost count. What felt like utter chaos and tragedy in the midst turned out to be exactly what was required for a fresh start. It’s the perspective a bigger picture can provide.
It’s certainly challenging sometimes to maintain optimism in the middle of a stormy night. That’s exactly the reason I step back. I take media breaks and limit exposure to upsetting stories or discussions. In my personal life, I may seek distraction. Some would call it denial. I call it self-care. I have come to realize I can only contribute meaningfully to any sort of good when I prioritize my own needs: physical, emotional and above all, energetic.
It really does help. And this is exactly what Tarot is speaking about to me this week.
Here we have the Five of Pentacles (Earth) from the Good Tarot, along with Belleflower from Botanical Inspirations, meaning “Gratitude.”
Does this seem a smidge familiar? Repetitive Tarot is repetitive.
They are more or less opposite energies, and yet perfectly compliment one another. Because they show two sides of the same coin.
When you focus on flaw, you’ll feel brokenness. When you focus on difference, you’ll feel separation. When you focus on shortage, you’ll feel lack. When you focus on connections, you’ll feel supported. When you focus on grace, you’ll feel protected. When you focus on blessings, you’ll feel blessed.
The Five of Earth here is the calling. This desire, the wanting, summons energy through you. It quite directly births a new future, conceived as a result of what you may be considering as “wrong” in the present. Welcome or not, it’s a gift.
The Belleflower represents a “thank you” for the gift. When you acknowledge any gifts, they bloom. Just as the calling comes as a result of a problem, solutions come as result of gratitude. Looking for the good tunes in to the good and turns it up. Nobody can tune in to solutions while fixated on problems, And nobody can tune in to problems while steeped in gratitude.
You don’t have to love everything you see. We aren’t wired that way! We have unique, individual preferences and out of those personal preferences, an endless tapestry of diversity is woven. That is exactly as it should be.
When life feels a little craptastic (personally or globally), understand that feeling dissatisfaction is in itself a form of energy work. Feelings are a function of the energy you’re channeling at that moment. Anger or disillusionment or frustration or sadness are all calling out for change, even when not invoked specifically. You can spend as long or as little there as you like, there. It all adds to the collective evolution.
But if you want, you can also align with the energy of solutions and progress as you see it. I find that a much more pleasant experience. Gratitude activates this energy stream. Your appreciation and acknowledgement of what is going right is a way of watering the seeds of change. It also impacts your subjective experience tremendously.
This is perhaps a long-winded way of saying, you WILL find what you look for. Fortunately, you get to decide.
If you want a little support in perspective-realigning, contact me for a 1-on-1 session. And be well, friends!