I have lots of Mercury & Saturn married up in my chart. I want to go FAST (Mercury) but I often have to work my way through slowly (Saturn) to do it right.
It’s like my life job involves lots of proofreading. Potentially frustrating, but far worse if you don’t do the work. And that is what we’re looking at, for the coming week.
We’re proofreading our lives.

Overall, we have slower-than-we’d-like motion ahead. Many, many slow-moving cards. The Queen of Pentacles, The Devil, and the Five of Pentacles are not fast-paced. The Queen of Swords can be, but she can also make mistakes and rush to judgement. The Seven of Cups is confusion, mired–more slow energy. Even the lone, fast-paced Eight of Wands came in reversed, and not until the end of the week. Strength, the weekly advice, is another slow, gentle and steady energy.
[bctt tweet=”Forever is composed of nows. Emily Dickinson #quotes”]
Now, maybe this slower pace is a blessing for you, coming in after the stress of the Eclipse. Or maybe it’s a sheer frustration. But whatever it is for you personally, easiest to make peace with the rhythm of the Universe. You know?
Monday, Morality, Queen of Swords: Morality showcases a lack of flexibility. While this is a somewhat harsh rendition of the Queen of Swords, the point is valid: she can fall to the judgemental side and isn’t known for her compromising prowess. There are times, though, when inflexibility is appropriate. Be aware of the tendency to judge, or the potential for being judged. Be sure your own choices remain above reproach. And if you’re feeling critical of others, ask yourself, “Is this my circus? Are these my monkeys?” Because if not, move the Hell on.
Tuesday, Playfulness, Page of Wands: Laugher is massively healing. Fun is healing. Joyfulness is healing. Have yourself a healthy dose today.
Wednesday, Outsider, Five of Pentacles: This is one of “my cards” from this deck–a frequent visitor. That little guy on the outside looking in so aptly captures how I’ve felt in the world, much of my life. You cannot really tell from my picture here, but the lock on that heavy chain is not latched. And that is the key to understanding not only this version, but the Five of Pentacles energy in general. The feeling state here is changeable. There ARE choices, although you may not be considering them as options right now. So any lack, any alienation you’re feeling right about now, ask yourself what your choices are in the situation. You can access some interesting and useful insight, with that question.
Thursday, Projection, Seven of Cups: Whatever is driving you crazy, look in the mirror. Very good chance there’s a hidden sense of inadequacy or other raw spot, getting triggered. What you see–and lament–in others so often speaks to you.
Friday, Patience, Queen of Pentacles: We don’t need a whole lot of exposition here, huh? To everything, there is a season. Wait until it’s ripe, man.
Saturday, Conditioning, The Devil: What do you feel compelled to hide? This day seems to tease out something within that feels unacceptable. Be aware of compulsion and behavior undertaken without really thinking about it. Well, think about it!
Sunday, Traveling, Eight of Wands: Delays, snags and pauses. Sometimes it takes a little longer than you’d like. This isn’t a full stop. More like a, “just a minute, not quite done” vibe. Getting there, getting there.
Overview/Advice: Courage, Strength: Slow, gentle but steady stepping, reaching upward and outward is the way to go. This isn’t a “take off and soar” week. It’s a “plodding, put one foot in front of the other” week. While soaring is more fun, there’s a time for gradual and plodding, too. And there are advantages! Sure, it’s not as sexy. But progressing in bite-sized doses allows you to learn as you go. You can make (and correct) mistakes this way that would be much more painful on a large scale. I think of this kind of energy as life’s training sessions. We’re refining performance in anticipation of ramping up our game.
When you look at it like that, it doesn’t sound so bad, huh?
Affirmation – Comfort, Archangel Azrael: “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.” Taking our time, one step at a time, and reviewing each bit is a way to heal. It releases the stress, and gives us space to emotionally digest. I’ll take it!

This week’s forecast features the Osho Zen Tarot and Archangel Oracle Cards. If you dig these, you’d probably like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or better yet, a 1-on-1 consult.
How happy are you with your rate of progress right now?