“You don’t have to stay at the hospital,” my daughter told me the other night. “I’m a grown-ass woman. I’m sure you’d rather sleep in your own bed. It’s okay if you want to go home.” She told me this repeatedly, not wanting me to feel obligated to stay.
“Of course I don’t have to stay. I want to! Even when we do fine without support, it still sure is nice to have it.”
As if I would have actually been able to sleep at home. Mothers understand, her openness to my desire to be there for her was far more comforting to me than not being able to do anything constructive. Helplessness is a lot worse than sleeping on a fold-out chair!
Independence isn’t necessarily about forgoing support, and support isn’t necessarily about addressing deficiency. Many times, support is simply another way to share love.

- Six of Pentacles or Lord of Material Success, is associated with Mars in Taurus—there’s enough to share and efforts (Mars) here are made to contribute in tangible, practical ways (Taurus).
- Ten of Cups or Lord of Perfected Success, associated with Mars in Pisces—the action (Mars) here is more ethereal (Pisces). Consider this as emotional (Pisces) support to or from family members, be they birth or chosen. It’s a joy within close community.
- Three of Wands or Lord of Established Strength, associated with Sun in Aries—man, we’ve been seeing this one a lot lately! And still more action—you shine (Sun) through results stemming from your acts (Aries).
I find a lovely flow to the these cards—that Six of Pentacles often shows up in relation to charity, when you have enough to share, be it time, money, insight or skills—or when you’d benefit from the same. There’s not much difference as to which end you’re on here. Either way, it’s all part of the same cycle, and both sides of the coin are equally necessary for the energy exchange. Helping builds up the giver every bit as much as the recipient.
We then move to celebrate the collective good will with the Ten of Cups—all having contributed, we’re mutually invested in positive outcomes. The sense of security and happiness is reflected and hence, amplified by each person joining in. Your well-being brings me joy and my well-being brings you joy. There is a family in the truest sense of the word, because the bond is one of love.
This brings us to the Three of Wands—individuals, supported and shored up by this love, achieve more independently as well. In the long range view, that love we’ve given and received is all part of building that ship that eventually comes in. The positive expectations are a product of the process, better than could have been achieved otherwise.
Today, Tarot reminds us to gratefully welcome opportunities to love and be loved, in it’s countless forms. Often, the most loving thing you can do for another is accept their gestures of kindness. The best way you can thank them is strive to make the most of it, and do well with what you’ve been given. And when you’re in the position to give, do the same for others. Like a fine dinner, richness is enhanced when we share it.
Do you find the cycle of support works like this in your life?
![]() Tarot: The Complete Kit by Dennis Fairchild |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
Ah, what a great set of cards today, Dixie! Thank you so much!
And yes, I really see the “community support” in my life. With friends, neighbors. I hope I’m doing my part! I’m definitely being aware of places where I can step in and help, and also of being helped. Sometimes in the nicest, unexpected ways!
That’s lovely, Kim. I’m so glad you’re feeling it, and privileged I could help remind you of it today.
Thank YOU, Dixie! You are, without a doubt, part of MY support system.
I hope you are just as blessed with support from all around you.
P.S. That goes for all of YOU, too. You know who you are.
“Independence isn’t necessarily about forgoing support, and support isn’t necessarily about addressing deficiency. Many times, support is simply another way to share love.” This is a perspective that I really appreciate and need to remember at times.
On another note, thanks for your support in my life through your sharing here, and huge support for you and the work you do!
Thank you Lilly. That means a great deal to me.
I so see the “community support” and it comes from interesting places and people like here! Below is what I posted yesterday and I’d like to repeat the sentiment to MY community support – ALL OF YOU!
“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I DON’T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY EXCEPT WOW AND THANK YOU! I was overwhelmed when I read these Monday evening.
Thanks for the love, good vibes and prayers! What I felt the most from y’ll was THE POSITIVE ENERGY! I so appreciate all the comments and support.
ALL OF YOU ARE AMAZING! Hugs and love from Hotter than you-know-where Texas!
Love all the support with Dixie as our Pink Haired Fearless Leader! :-*
I found myself getting a lot of unexpected support yesterday as well. It was lovely! :rose: