“The knowledge that makes us cherish innocence makes innocence unattainable.” –Irving Howe
It’s interesting, watching children grow up, learning life lessons. It becomes an exercise in looking with fresh eyes, revisiting truths and re-evaluating assumptions, comparing the ideal with practical experience. It’s like studying a blank canvas, imagining where the colors go. It’s rare it turns out much like what you’d expect, before you start painting.
Today’s Tarot forecast is the Six of Cups (or Water, from Osho Zen), also known as Lord of Pleasure, associated with the Sun in Scorpio. This card is often associated with nostalgia, trust, and childhood. There’s a strong sense of innocence about the Six of Cups. It comes from that time in our lives before we “knew better.” Whatever better is.
But innocence is not solely the domain of the inexperienced, nor is that sense of trust something we’d want to kill off entirely. The newness, the freshness, the idealism of a vision not jaded provides a powerful, creative force. It inspires us to try what we otherwise may not! Sometimes, not allowing our innocence to be spoiled gives us power to do what we’d otherwise be convinced was impossible.
In many ways, I see this kind of openness analogous to the Fool on his journey. Nothing but potential, he steps forward in a leap of faith, believing he’ll find what he needs. He does, although they are invariable not the needs he was aware of starting out. Nonetheless, his conviction he can do great things visits upon him the possibility he’ll do exactly that.
Trust can certainly be abused and hence, innocence lost. Most life expecierneces don’t quite match anticipation from the Six of Cups side of the equation. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile. It’s a living thing, you know? The skill to tap into the flow and take it as it comes is how we grow, become and shine.
So long as the heart stays open, we can capture the essence of innocence; an open heart is the crux. We don’t have to let that part of our spirit die. Even if material forms don’t take the shape you’d predicted, it doesn’t mean it cannot become something of great beauty and value. Just like that finished painting may not have resembled the initial vision, it doesn’t mean it isn’t still art.
Are you seeing interplay between dreams and reality?
![]() | Osho Zen Tarot Set by US Games |
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As someone with a VIVID imagination I’ve painted some beautiful portraits, all are like a Monet painting in the Impressionist style. It’s usually of common subjects yet beautifully blurred “it’s a crucial element of human perception”. I like this part because I can insert my own reality here-I’m very good at this. Light is important in these paintings as “its often accentuating the effects of the passage of time” – perfect for today’s card.
Pictures I saw/painted years ago & viewed with an impressionist eye didn’t match reality so it didn’t stand the test of time yet there’s no need to slash the canvas, it’s still kind of pretty plus it’s shows growth.
Maybe I’ll start painting like Picasso did in the 30’s, who the hell knows what any of those are about. This way I won’t look back on them with such nostalgia.
Great stuff Dixie!
wow..i really like the depiction of that card. Beautiful.
What you say is making a lot of sense to me on several levels. First, I dreamed of my kids when they were young (my oldest running through the house ‘whooping’ in celebration as his jupiter/gemini self–it was like a window back in time).
Plus, I’m revisiting my own innocent thought from when I was young. And third..ugh..my youngest, The Aquarian, is going to his first formal dance on Saturday. It’s an emotional tug of war for me because he looks so grown up in that darned suit but I’m excited for him all at the same time. He is organizing everything, her flowers, his attire, transportation..so I’m also immensely proud of the “adultness” I’m seeing in him and at the same time reminded of my own “first dance”. I’ve alread cried like an idiot several times. I’m sure by Saturday I’ll be a mess.
:monkey: :rainbow:
Hope the dance goes well, for him and Mom.