September 19

Singing in Harmony (or Shutting Up) – Weekly Tarot Forecast, September 21-27, 2015


I hide a lot in my personal Facebook feed. A lot.

Not because I don’t have quality connections nor because there’s something “wrong” with the content people share. I hide a lot of content because a lot of the time, the content doesn’t vibe with me for one reason or another.

There’s emotional overload in general. I’m sensitive–the intense emotions that are often a part of these shared stories sticks to me. I’m quirky–so my perspective doesn’t fit well with much of what’s expressed. I pretty much have to be able to tolerate views apart from my own, because honestly? I’m unique, okay? But sometimes the assessments of those that disagree with posted material…well, it can really, really hurt. So I hide it and resolve to let it go.

For me, removing what’s prickly and painful is a way of being kind, both to myself and to others. Others don’t mean me harm. I do my best to “erase” what is not harmonious, while maintaining a generous attitude about folks whom I know have no intention to be hurtful.

This is my way of connecting to the harmonious and disregarding the discordant. And that’s what we’re looking at this week. Either sing in the same key, or quietly back away from the choir.

tarot forecast sept 21 2015

This week looks like it goes down a little smoother than last. You get no arguments from me, Universe! But even so, it’s active and shaking, with a mix of Tarot suits, a major Arcana card for Saturday (implying significant, long lasting impact) and a weekly overview card that just screams “up in the air.” For many–okay most of us–that waiting for the other shoe vibe is less than comfortable. But you know, it is what it is. We’re in between eclipses and Mercury has gone full on retrograde and, well, it’s transitional. You know?

Monday, Page of Wands: Stay task-oriented today and check off your to-do’s with intention. Okay…maybe even double-checking your to-do’s can be one of your to-do’s. Because Mercury, retrograde. You know the score. But even so, this looks like a great day to just get stuff done! Optimism is available if you just reach a little. I’ll take some extra, thank you! Moon in Sagittarius (most of the day).

Tuesday, Knight of Cups: A case of the feels creep up on you in your sleep? I’m seeing plenty of slosh today. Understand emotional flux is on the agenda. But also know the Knight’s brand of emotion tends to be overwhelming but not entrenched. In other words, it may not be that hard to change the FLAVOR of the emotion, even if you cannot change the level of the emotion.  That knowledge is like a blank check! A short time outside, three minutes with a favorite song, looking at some beautiful images, or mentally compiling a list of gratitudes regardless of how obscure or strange? That can easily shift the tenor of the feel-fest here. Utilize your conscious intention to direct the flow of emotion. Happy Fall Equinox/Mabon! Moon in Capricorn.

Wednesday, The Lovers: Look for the harmony and ride that wave. I’m not talking manufactured harmony. I’m talking making the choice–a keyword, for the Lover’s card–to align with what you see that harmonizes with your own energy. That means you don’t try to talk someone out of their beliefs or feelings. You merely connect with the ones that work for you and let the rest slide on by as if it didn’t happen. Direct your energy toward reinforcing what aligns with your soul, not fighting what does not. See the difference? Vote with your ATTENTION. Moon Void of Course in the AM, moving into Aquarius. 

Thursday, Four of Swords: Exhale. Be sure to get enough sleep. Let go, detach and know it’s okay to not worry. Just be today. Just be. Moon in Aquarius.

Friday, Seven of Pentacles Reversed: Review of long-range hopes and plans. Some didn’t fly and the ones that didn’t, they seem loud today. Understood. But don’t just be sad or mad. Ask, “Why?” There is more magick in the failures than the successes here. Pluto goes direct. Moon in Pisces.

Saturday, Temperance: Integration of the insights cultivated throughout the week. Scheduling some quiet time or a meditation session is a great way to utilize this energy. Time in, around or on water also facilitates the process. Not convenient beyond a shower? Well, take the shower, sure, but also maybe watch a good movie. You can find messages for you there, all metaphorical like. Don’t question the magick. Prep for setting intentions for the Eclipse tomorrow. Moon in Pisces.

Sunday, Ace of Wands: It’s a day for deciding what you really want to do and getting started, even if it’s only the step of deciding. Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Aries, 4′ 40″ – Get your intentions on!

Overview/Advice, Eight of Wands: Feeling a little unsettled? Join the club–it’s a big room we’ve got going here. But you know, one thing I’ve learned very clearly and am repeatedly reminded of in this life: even when you think you know what’s ahead, you don’t. There is only now. So make the most of that now, every way you can. I’ve yet to hear anyone saying they have regretted being as fully present as possible in each moment. Yet how many of us make it our practice?

[bctt tweet=”Only the NOW is real. So live there. #quotes”]

Affirmation – Archangel Michael: “Remember who you are. You are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved.” One of the best ways of staying true to yourself, living a life you can always be proud of and maintaining a sense of inner peace is remembering who you are. Any time you’re faced with a stressor or dilemma, ask yourself, “Who am I? Who do I choose to be, right now, today, this very moment?” Activate your heart energy, starting with yourself as always. Love is always right, always kind, always helpful no matter what the circumstances. Love always works.

It’s a week to look for the harmonies, and excuse yourself from all that doesn’t harmonize. Without trying to fix, without trying to change or cajole or be anybody else’s conscience. I don’t know about you but for me? Manning my own moral fortitude is plenty. I have the capacity to manage a conscience of one, thank you very much.

Are you finding harmony in your world?


If you enjoy these Tarot Forecasts, you might like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives: Living the Whole Deck. This week’s forecast features the Pagan Cat Tarot and Archangel Oracle Cards.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Wands, archangel oracle cards, Eight of Wands, Four of Swords, Knight of Cups, Page of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, Temperance, The Lovers

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