December 25

12/26/13: Silver Linings / 9 of Cups Rx


nine-cupsMy Christmas gift to you is a happier card for the day after Christmas! Even reversed, the Nine of Cups is friendly. Thank God. I hate being a Dixie Downer.

Looking at this card for today, I want to say “silver lining.” Not the fake, BS type of “silver lining” thing people say just to make themselves feel better when somebody else is in pain. An absolute, legitimate, this-is-something-you’d-really-like type of silver lining.

So today, look for that silver lining. Toss the gift if you want to, but don’t trash the box without double-checking.

Have you found any silver linings today?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Nine of Cups

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