January 5

01/06/14: Shooting Blanks / Reversed Ace of Wands


Ace of Wands ReversedI always see the Ace of Wands as a phallic symbol. I know it’s not much of a stretch, but it showed up once in a reading to answer a sex question and from then on, the die was cast. Hence, the Ace of Wands reversed always makes me think “flaccid.”

I’m sorry. I can’t help it!

The Ace of Wands inverted is the letter of law without the spirit. It’s bark without the bite. It’s insincere apologies, empty threats, going through the motions, and meaningless ritual.

The inverted Ace of Wands can incorporate ACTION but without the HEART. Anything you can say, “The heart’s not in it…” applies here. If you live like that too long, it sucks the life force right out of you.

My advice for you today is to recognize an inverted Ace of Wands. If it’s yours, do your damnedest to get that puppy upright. Living outwardly in tune with your spirit, your true heart’s desire, is both healing and powerful. Going through the motions due a sense of obligation is soul-numbing. I know which path I want!

Are you seeing evidence of this “shooting blanks” energy out and about?

Tarot of the New Vision (English/Spanish)
by Lo Scarabeo

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Ace of Wands, New Vision Tarot

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