I’ll never forget when I came out of the Woo closet.
It was simultaneously among the most terrifiying and exhilerating things I’d ever done. Saturn was in Virgo in my first house, and I felt compelled to self-define honestly. It seemed important, if dangerous. (I still made most of my living pushing pixels and fixing websites at the time.)
While I ran across a few eye rolls–some literal, some metaphorical–overall? It was kind of a big, fat nothing. Heck, some folks even shared with me their own woo orientations. I never would have guessed.
Because you don’t know. How could you? People hide. I hid. I get it.
Beyond that, though, most people are far too busy worrying about what you think of them to think all that much of you. And those who aren’t, who get all twisted up and scandalized becauase you’re not them?
Not really worth offering free rent in your head.
Being TRUE to yourself, allowing your inner light to shine, is a huge service. It helps encourage others to do the same. So shine your true light, my friend. We NEED you!
We have a large amount of reversals in the spread. Six of the eight cards I pulled were reversed! If this had been a client reading, I probably would have acknowledged it’s a very difficult, slow-moving time, like trudging through molasses, and turned them upright to simplify interpretation. But it’s not a client reading and they spoke to me just fine, how they showed up.
The overall sense I’ve got this week is one of feeling out of step with those around you. Not a miserable, overwhelming kind of thing. More like, “If people really knew me, knew who I really am, I’d be utterly rejected. Must maintain cover.” And it’s the attempts to maintain your cover–appear as a complaint, respectable member of the community when you feel anything but–that’s got the potential to trip you up.
So don’t do it. Your best guidance system this week (and any other) is your internal one. Nothing else matters.
[bctt tweet=”Stand up and BE, even if you’re standing alone.” username=”goddess_dix”]
Monday, Darkest Fears/Sacral Chakra – Eight of Swords Reversed: A buried worry, that you’ll be forever miserable and it will be your own damn fault. You can get past this two ways: 1.) Look for ways to laugh at what’s going wrong. Make a game of it. And 2.) Seek out thoughts, activities and company that you KNOW brings you joy. It’s easy to shift out of this “trapped” mindset. All it mostly takes is the decision. In other words, most of the bad mood mojo today is not entrenched and not permanent. Consciously shifting your perspective will lift you right back up.
Tuesday, Feeling Alone – Ten of Pentacles: It’s easy enough to feel alone in a crowd, depending on the crowd. Look for your people to reconnect if you’re feeling cut off. And if that’s not cutting it for you? Enjoy your own company. The feelings of isolation will pass.
Wednesday, Blossom – The World Reversed: Your job today has nothing to do with what’s expected of you, and everything to do with who you are on the inside. Favor that.
Thursday, Success & Growth – Ace of Wands: Follow your heart and what you love for the win!
Friday, Spread Your Wings – Nine of Cups Reversed: Expand your definition of “wonderful,” and your life will expand to fit it.
Saturday, Lead – Two of Swords Reversed: Quit waffling and just make a decision already. The world will follow suit afterward. It’s usually not so much making the “right” decision or “wrong” decision as it is about doing SOMETHING. You adjust as you go.
Sunday, Release – Two of Wands Reversed: Release old stand-offs taking up space in your head. Not worth your time. Don’t wait for anyone else to bury the hatchet. Because don’t you have better things to do than even bothering?
Overview/Advice, Heal – Five of Cups Reversed: Mourning does soften over time. Allow it. Feeling it come and go like the waves on a shore? This is a natural part of the healing process.
Affirmation – Relationship Harmony from Archangel Raguel: “We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.” No matter what the discord, you are best served by keeping a soft heart, as much as you can. Not freezing it up. Not forgetting boundaries or dropping your own needs at the curb. But looking at life, at relationships, at everything, with a softer, more compassionate heart.
That’s not excusing or approving. It’s just not letting life–or anyone in your life–decide for YOU. If someone doesn’t fit into your circle, they’ll evacuate it soon enough. The most important thing is to remember who YOU are and no matter what’s happening about you, stay solid on that note.
You feeling a little misfit lately?
This week’s forecast features the Radiant Rider-Waite minisis, The Tarot for the Heart, and Archangel Affirmation Cards. If you like the forecasts, you’d probably like Dixie’s book, Everyday Tarot Archives, or better yet, find out more about working together one-on-one. ♥