Still on the “don’t overthink it” train here, as I hear myself dishing up versions of that advice left, right and backward.
Which also means, it still applies to me. Or I wouldn’t find myself in the position of amplifying that message.
Damn it.
Go with the flow.
Be easy, Breathe. Give yourself time to let the details fill in for you.
The path is yours and just yours. FEEL your way through.
Nobody knows what you’re doing better than YOU. Even if you don’t know quite yet. Because you will.
In the Cards for This Week
We have the Seven of Swords–that’s a card of holding your own, being true to yourself without weighing in outside opinion.
And we’ve got Nasturtium–Victory & Conquest. We don’t win by defeating other people. We win each time we are true to who we are, in the purest form of our spirit. When we act in harmony with the spark of the divine that is who we are, at the core? That’s how we win.
Steer with your feelings, and keep the details to yourself. (Video here.)
It’s not necessary to get outside confirmation of your thoughts. In fact, it’s counterproductive and you can’t travel far on borrowed confidence. You definitely want to grow your own confidence this week by letting the details fill in on their own. They will. Just breathe deeply and give it a minute.
[bctt tweet=”Forget outside confirmation. Seek INSIDE confirmation. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]
That’s all there is to do. Relax and lean into the faith you’ll figure out the best path as you travel it. You not only can, but you will. Look for the signposts of blessing along the journey and it’s sure to be sweeter than it would have, otherwise. It helps you create a more beautiful now-reality.
Do you have some changes brewing?
This week’s forecast features the Good Tarot (because I’ve been digging on the artwork) and the Botanical Inspirations Deck (because it’s been speaking clearly to me). Want to look at your personal business? Give me a holler.