May 29

Seven of Swords: Secrets coming to Bear


My life has felt like slow motion for all of 2023. It’s slowly speeding up, gaining momentum inch by inch, until we’re vaguely approaching something that feels normal-ish. Closer. Not quite yet, but I’m getting there. The progress feels good.

This matches what folksare telling me, closely enough that I think it is, indeed, “a thing,” making progress toward important goals. So, I suspect many of us can totally vibe with what the cards are saying this week and will indeed welcome the optimism.

Let’s get us some of that!

Next Week in the Cards

From the Osho Zen deck, we’ve got Seven of Swords (Politics) as outlook, Advice is reversed Three of Cups (Celebration) modified by the reversed Nine of Pentacles (Ripeness).

This setup has an “almost but not yet” feel. Facts may not be fully represented or freely shared. That’s manageable if you realize it’s the case.

This means there is truth, but maybe not without omission and spin. Expect some people will be doling out (self-serving) selective bits information in attempts to sway opinions or decisions. So, hold off on signing the dotted line. Just maybe set those agreements aside to percolate and review.

So, it’s not quite time for celebrating resolution and don’t automatically be swayed by the advice of friends, family or just those who seem knowledgeable. Consider it, maybe prepare if you need to, but wait a little bit because the situation is not quite “ripe.” Almost ripe, yes–the question of readiness wouldn’t be in front of us otherwise. But a little more disclosure, a little more investigation, is likely to lead to an outcome you’re morecompletely satisfied with overall.

However, I will say that the “almost there” vibe is reassuring and quite welcome, at least to me. I hope it is for you, too.

Are you feeling motion forward? Are you ready for it?!

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Nine of Pentacles, Osho Zen, Seven of Swords, Three of Cups

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