July 1

Seven of Swords: Don’t Take A Vote!


There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self. -Ernest Hemmingway

I’m used to being in my own little world, to some degree or another. I’m good with that, though. I do my best to make it a good world. Better every day.

And I’m particular about what I want in my world. Discriminating, you could even say. (And you would say, if you’re a Virgo.)

This week, the cards suggest a discriminating approach for us all.

We’ve got the Seven of Swords (or Air, from The Good Tarot) along with Magnolia–Nobility & Self-Esteem from Botanical Inspirations deck. Together, they are telling me to keep on tuning in to inner guidance without seeking permission from anybody else. The focus is on taking stock of your own business.

Make up your own mind. And allow everybody else to make up theirs. Give yourself permission not to fix. You don’t need to adjudicate. It’s enough to live in accordance with what rings true in your heart. That is a function of grounding yourself and tuning in, not group consensus.

[bctt tweet=”Feel your way through. The heart hears true. #OnMyRadar” username=”goddess_dix”]

That heart never leads you astray.

If you want a little help getting plugged in, hit me up for a 1-on-1.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Botanical Inspirations, Good Tarot, Magnolia, Seven of Swords

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