May 17

05/18/13: Identifying the Thief / rev 7 Swords


“A thief believes everybody steals.” –E. W. Howe


Okay, this Seven of Swords reversed is cracking me up; it’s like she’s about to lose her cloak! What’s really relevant though, is that she’s got her back to us and chosen to only expose herself to the scrutiny of the moon, hiding her activity under the veil of semi-darkness.

With the card inverted (and that big, full moon), I’m thinking her plan to stay unobserved is not fully successful. And if we’re in the position of evaluating her character or intentions, that’s a good thing.

Judge others by behavior. If words, emotional tone and behavior don’t match, something is amiss and it bears further scrutiny. If someone hides behind the cover of darkness or obscurity, there’s a reason.

Never disregard your discomfort. While a thief may believe everyone steals, don’t let the opposite hold true: not being a thief should not leave you with the impression no one is a theif! Never excuse or dismiss your intuition, nor let yourself be bullied into acquiescing to implied social norms that just don’t feel right. Those feelings you have are there for a reason, and that reason is to guide you.

For our purposes, I’m going to assume you are NOT the figure on the Seven of Swords, but maybe you’ve got one in your life…and that you’re not completely fooled! Good.

Are you keeping an eye on somebody?

Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Seven of Swords

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  1. Seriously, 5 minutes after reading this post I discovered there are some people who are trying to go behind my back. I already had the feeling they were and now I’m on to them.
    I know what I can do about it. Thanks Dixie!

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