I’ve been noticing with special clarity lately how vastly dependent “good” and “bad” is on perspective.
It’s always been there. What’s fat or skinny, what’s rich or poor? And yes, even what’s good or bad–it’s all completely subjective. I’ve done enough weight loss support and talked to enough Tarot clients to say this without hesitation!
What’s more, these designations will alter not based upon the circumstance, but ALWAYS based on the in-the-moment perspective of the individual.
The job that seemed utterly perfect at one point may be considered the worst ever at another point (or even another point in the same week). Same for the relationship or the house or the car or whatever it is you’re concerned with at any given moment. People I consider thin may worry about their weight. People who seem rich to me can be upset about money. It’s an internal state, NOT an external one.
And however you feel is however you feel and there is no rightness or wrongness about that. It just is.
And it makes sense to make peace with wherever you are at, because what choice do you have? It’s current. It’s where you are at. Feeling crummy about it doesn’t change it. It just makes it harder to change it.
That’s not equivalent to resignation, by the way. It’s actually what unsticks you, not anchors.
Being at peace with where you are gives you a choice where you go with it. You can lean into whatever feels a little better, a little more satisfying, from wherever you’re at. That can be steered with just a little effort, caring about feeling better over other considerations. Choosing the thoughts you follow based on what soothes.
Or you can lean into worry and tension and upset. It’s always up to you, which way you lean from where you’re at.
And I’m not going to tell you one is right and one is wrong, because I don’t see the world that way. But I will tell you, one feels better. That’s the one I like to pick.
And that’s the topic of the Tarot forecast for next week.
Next Week in the Cards
This week, for outlook we have the Nine of Cups (Water) with advice coming in as the Seven of Wands (Fire) from The Good Tarot.
Now, the Nine of Cups is definitely a card of satisfaction–a wish being fulfilled. (Were you wishing for Mercury to go direct? Granted!) So I would expect to have some relief in the coming week if you’ve been struggling. And if not, still expect there to be icing on your cake, okay? This looks good to me.
Interesting in terms of advice, though…that Seven of Wands. To keep the “satisfaction vibe” active, you may have to reject or ward off the opinions of others. This is easier to do than you may appear at first glance, but it definitely takes practice.
What someone else thinks of you? Doesn’t matter. Whether or not anybody else agrees on what’s best? Doesn’t matter. Who approves of what or how many people sign on to your vision? NONE of this matters, not even one tiny little bit.
Insecurity fuels seeking outside validation. That’s a short-lived reassurance because it can and does change based on where someone else is at, at any given moment. The only lasting form of security comes from within. There is no other route.
You be your fancy, unique Unicorn self and *%#% the rest of anything else, okay?
Take care out there!
And if you want a one-on-one check to clear your head here, give me a holler.