I cannot see this particular Seven of Swords reversed without thinking of a memorable appearance in a reading. My client was wondering if her stalker was lurking. I got this card in response as a “no.” And then a flash, of her seeing him outside her window and phoning the police.
“He’s worried about you calling the police. Do you know why?” I thought perhaps she had done that in the past, and wanted to make sure I was right with my interpretation.
“I told him I would call them!” she said triumphantly.
“Well, it worked. He believed you…that’s what kept him away.” I was stunned. “Good job!” I added.
With that firmly in mind, today I’m going to say the best protection against mistreatment is the belief of the perpetrator you won’t allow it to stand unchallenged.
The story you’ll obviously be verifying will be accurate, despite any temptations. The inventory you’re preparing to check will not be short. If there’s someone you do not trust in your vicinity, make it clear that you’ll be exercising your self-protection prerogative and it will nip that problem right in the bud.
Are you keeping watch?
Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti |
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P.S. Um…Happy Mother’s Day?!
In order for this to work the other person has to actually believe you’d do “X” if they don’t follow the rules. Otherwise not only are you just “watching” them continue their bad behavior you’re encouraging it. Hopefully soon the person involved in our situation like this will be able to really watch the other party and MAKE them behave.
Good for your client he BELIEVED her, she’s much safer for it!
Happy Mother’s DAY right back! To you and all our other Moms. ♥