October 8

10/08/12: Ride the Tide | 5 of Pentacles



“Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.” –Woody Allen

The Psychic Tarot Oracle often leans towards a “soft” spin, and the Five of Pentacles is a great example as “Financial and Material Changes.” In more traditional decks, I almost always see this card for feelings of lack and want (albeit a lack for which there is help available); here, the emphasis is on the natural ebbs and flow of material resources.

The tide DOES come in, as surely as it rolls out. Seeing the same hand, divided by lines with different colors and patterns, suggest different flavors of experience for the same individual experiencing natural cycles.

You aren’t a good, worthwhile, and worthy person on the days the tide is flowing in, and a bad, worthless and pathetic person on the days the tide is out. It’s the same hand, just different tablecloths and lighting, you know?

Know that the cycles are part of the natural order. Ride the tide. Get assistance, if you need it, or give it if you can. But don’t sweat it. Even the less comfortable times are still part of the bigger picture.

Are you feeling this energy?

The Psychic Tarot Oracle Cards: a 65-Card Deck, plus booklet!
by John Holland

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Five of Pentacles, Psychic Tarot Oracle

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