Mid-week bump: This week has been…odd. I guess that’s the word for it, odd. Nothing happened, really. Nothing to speak of. But the vibe is…off. Like a video where the sound is just a little off sync, you know? Even today’s Gemini moon, which I was looking forward to, didn’t do it for me. I generally love Gemini moons. Today, I have the attention span of a 3-year-old hopped up on soda and Pixie stix. I did the best I could with it.
And I took a mini-nap. Because one of my intentions has been to value and honor my natural rhythms. And my natural rhythm said stop trying to focus for a minute and just be…
As far as the forecast this week for me, personally, mostly I’ve just been thinking about these family issues. What being a mom means to me, how my mom and family has colored who and how I am. Wondering if I’m a good mom sometimes, butting in not too much, not too little, but “just right.” I was one of those people that didn’t seek out becoming a mom. I wanted to play! Being a mom found me. I think I’m pretty good at it, most days. But then again, I have a reasonably high opinion of my opinion.
And I’ve been trying, really hard, to pick up more Lenormand! I enjoy the group we have and am really glad I opted for a private venue. It feels like coffee with some friends or something. Very nice vibe.
How y’all doing out there?
With the appearance of 3 Majors in 6 cards drawn, I know we’re looking at a week whose events reverberate for a long time after. I want to suggest you treat this week as sort of a microcosm of the life you’d like to build for yourself, you know what I mean? This week is like a play, and in extemporaneously acting it out, you’re writing the script for the coming months. Don’t script anything you wouldn’t like to sit through in reruns.
It’s also notable that the week is flanked with the Empress (as “What to Avoid”) and the Emperor (as “Negative Influences”). Venus and Mars will each have their say, and tend to a bit more than their say, apparently. With appearance of the Queen of Cups reversed (another maternal card), the Seven of Pentacles (in the “Friends and Family” position no less) and the Six of Cups reversed as an overview (nostalgia), it looks to be a week utterly brimming with issues having their root in childhood.
Is that a chorus of rejoicing I just heard? Har!
I just pull ‘em, I don’t pick ‘em, man.
Monday, What to Avoid – The Empress: Don’t fuss, muss or over-mother. Don’t jump into someone else’s creative process. Don’t pick up that pencil and finish the paper yourself if it ain’t got your name at the top. Meddling is a bad idea today! Take care of yourself and let others do the same. As I often say, butting out is an act of respect, demonstrating your faith in others to handle their own business.
Tuesday, Positive Influences – The Fool: Beginner’s mind and a fresh, unjaded outlook are the keys to exciting discovery. Curiosity and stepping forward without fear or preconceived conclusions take you the furthest. Consider the day an exciting experiment, and you are the scientist. No telling what will turn up!
Wednesday, Friends and Family – Seven of Pentacles: The emotional color of your inner circle relationships was planted long ago. If you feel good about how it has blossomed, awesome! If not, time to do a little weeding. But understand, we are definitely reaping what we’ve sown in this arena. Do you need to rethink your gardening plan?
Thursday, Future Life – Queen of Cups Rx: It’s not easy going forward. Emotional tides (sometimes enough to make you feel crazy) are to be expected. This is HOW you grow, so don’t think you’ll be able to sidestep it. But do know it’s temporary. What washes in, also washes out. Let it flow. A hot bath, peaceful music or a glass of wine are Dixie-approved coping mechanisms today. Drunk-dialing, not so much.
Friday, Negative Influences – The Emperor: Control freaking, a BAD idea. Dictators can expect a coup. Don’t put your foot down unless you’re okay with a potential revolt resulting. Ultimately, the person it’s most important you be able to control is yourself. But you know this!
Overview – Six of Cups Rx: Nostalgic moments from eons ago aren’t quite a magical the second time around, you know? I want to say a lot of the function of this week is learning to see our past with new eyes—adult eyes. Some bits of the past lose some of their luster looked at from an adult perspective. But some of what towered as insurmountable, you’ll find much less imposing. There’s a bittersweet feel to this process to me.
Affirmation: It is natural for my body to be well. In the context of the weekly flow, seek to heal whatever is “unwell” instead of living your life with a limp. This can be (and often is) an emotional limp, naturally. But the task this week is realizing that you don’t need to walk funny anymore. If you’ll skip the bossy-boss routine and focus on yourself, you will be able to make strides potentially releasing some very old angst. That’s worth a few scrapes over, if you ask me.
The bonus here is that your physical health may well improve for your efforts.
Do you see something different in this week?

Schedule a session with Dixie.
And how appropriate for the New Moon in Cancer on the 27th.
Well, I’m onboard! Things have been rough here since January. I’ll keep walking on faith and trust, and printed this out to stay on track.
Always good to have you on board, Kristine!
I check this and Shock Therapy daily. It’s a grounding moment since I’m learning new divination skills and so haven’t been using the ones I already have (besides dreams). Very glad to see this next week. No such thing as a perfect one, but am cool with the types of challenges listed.
I have Josi’s forecasts delivered to my email program so I can keep up. Very helpful! Glad to hear you feel up to the tasks of the week, the way they look like they’re coming in anywho.
When I read this I was so I don’t know how but we will see, here we are on Tuesday and today I revisited all my old schools for, unexpected, business reasons.
Amazing how things turn out.
Thanks Dixie
Wow, that is something, chris! Very interesting, how things turn out sometimes.