Many years ago, I went to a reader at a psychic fair and asked my favorite question to ask of readers: “What do you see regarding my spiritual development?
Am I doing it right? Am I missing something? Am I progressing fast enough?
It seems those questions never go away completely, at least not for me. Because I try to follow the dots, I try to do what I’m led to do when I’m led to do it, but it doesn’t always work out “right” by my expectations. It feels like failure, but that doesn’t mean it is failure.
Almost 10 years ago, I got the opportunity to buy a low carb community. I had all the signs there, clear as day, in my face obvious, this was the right choice, so I did it. Enthusiastically and with both feet, I jumped in! A couple years of relentless work went by and I was incredibly disappointed, in both myself and my spiritual support system, when that venture didn’t end up as successful as I’d hoped.
That path, however, branched out in ways I could not have anticipated. It pushed me to expand my knowledge base and skillset way beyond my comfort zone. More recently, that chain of circumstances has left me managing a sizable low carb Facebook page, at a time when I’m getting clear signs I need to attend to my own eating habits and health. Not wanting to be a big, fat hypocrite, I have very much cleaned up my own act. Had I not found myself at the helm of that community now, I’d probably still be eating junk.
So I could say that initial decision was a failure. Or I could say, it gave me exactly what I needed, even when I had no idea I needed it. There have been SO MANY times, so many projects and plans and ventures, that have gone down exactly the same way. It’s almost as if the Universe conspired against my will to look after my best interests and turned “failures” into big, fat blessings. When I manage some perspective, I can begin to see at least some of the many layers I would never have been able understand at the time.
There are echos of the past ringing throughout this weekly forecast, along with the ability to redefine some of that past. While I’m usually not a big fan of revisionist history (in the self-serving sense), this week it can work in your favor—not by denying what’s come before so much as reframing it. Reframing your history is an incredibly powerful tool. It’s a good week to wield it to your advantage.
When I did the draw for last week, I felt the urge to do a second for this week. I noticed we got the same affirmation (after shuffling). That suggests this week is a continuation of last week’s vibe. Hello, Mercury retrograde (Jan. 21 – Feb. 11, 2015)!
Monday, What you Can Change – Ace of Swords Reversed: You can change how you think, and what you accept as immutable reality. Really, one single thought, a core concept reversed, will put everything else in an entirely different framework. It’s a day to question assumptions and convictions to see if they hold up. Whatever you’ve just decided is, well, is it?
Tuesday, Friendship – Nine of Pentacles: A world of education at your fingertips, courtesy friends. If you are having trouble mastering your lower impulses especially, friends can provide a veritable how-to manual. Even if you don’t ask for advice directly, look for instruction on dealing with your own situation by how your friends have dealt with their life.
Wednesday, Romance, Queen of Cups Reversed: Connections are intact and strong, but I’m expecting excessive sentimentality and/or out-and-out moodiness with this Queen on her head. Tears are quite possible. A hot bath and (maybe) a glass of wine will soothe jangled nerves. Regardless, know the emotional intensity is a passing thing. Don’t treat it as permanent. Just let it flow through you and run it’s course.
Thursday, Career – Emperor Reversed: Work mate says, “You’re not the boss of me.” Not a good day to play dictator with coworkers! Possibly, there is a boss that lets things get out of hand. As far as you are concerned, keep yourself in check with work-related issues. Self-control is the name of the game and personal responsibility pays dividends.
Friday, Success – Six of Pentacles: Generosity pays off today. You may be either benefactor or donor, but group endeavors and giving of your time, energy or money has rewards. This is the magic that brings it all together. Yay!
Saturday, Past – Eight of Cups Reversed: Eh…echos of the past. What do you claim to “be over” but aren’t, completely? This floats in your brain. There may be triggers, there may be tears. Don’t be frustrated that that emotional history is not scrubbed clean from your life. It’s not a sign of weakness, dealing with past issue. It’s a sign you’re strong enough to continue your work at a higher octave.
Sunday, Blocking or Covering – Strength: This is the note that plays in the background throughout the week. Slow, gentle, steadily dealing with each day, each feeling, each challenge as it arises. Going into a Mercury Retrograde the 21, we’re clearly reviewing the past but as dull as that sounds, it’s got an enormous perk: We have a chance to adjust it’s meaning! That is a wonderful, if sometimes underappreciated, gift.
Overview/Advice – Five of Pentacles Reversed: Stop focusing on what you don’t have for God’s sakes! Go back to focusing on what you do. How you view your station is utterly and completely your own choice and while a perspective of lack drains you, a perspective of gratitude feeds you. Be willing to reach out for support when you need it, all while retaining responsibility for your own damn self.
Affirmation – I am safe in the Universe and all life loves and supports me. What needs to happen, happens. The Universe has your back.
Are you feeling echos of the past lately?
Schedule a session with Dixie.