November 9

Review and Rewind: Weekly Flow Tarot, Nov. 10-16


Weekly Flow Tarot Nov 10-16

Literal Tarot was literal yesterday when I cut my finger on a Page of Swords day. I did notice echos throughout the week of my perceptions of who I am versus the reality. This coming week, it appears we’ll have opportunity to act on what we noted last week. The good news is, if we’re not satisfied with how things are coming out, we can write some new endings!

Monday, Attitudes and Thoughts – Queen of Swords reversed: There could be tendency to be especially harsh or critical, judgmental. It may not come out of the mouth so much as show up in behavior, in facial expressions, or even in choices. Do put a little extra effort into thinking logically and keeping the facts straight. Don’t make assumptions. Double check. Review.

Tuesday, Spirit – Four of Pentacles Reversed: This is a pulling in, an over-conservative approach to life. In the position of Spirit, I would tell you to take a few risks, and trust your team of invisible friends to have your back. You know what I mean? Why are you worried? Rewind and make adjustments.

Wednesday, Resolution – Six of Wands Reversed: You win some, and you lose some. The resolution today is not to expect everybody to follow your lead, not to insist on winning them all over, or winning every battle. Look at the war, not the individual skirmishes. You decide what really matters to you, for you, and release the rest. Always truly release the rest. Rewind,

Thursday, Question – Nine of Pentacles: What have you really learned so far? Lessons have a sometimes rather dramatic tendency to repeat themselves until you’ve “gotten it.” Get it, and you’re good. So that’s what you want to ask yourself: what can I learn from this? The answer could surprise you. It could also help you leap ahead. Review-note what you’ve learned-and rewind-and act on it.

Friday, What to Take from the Past – Page of Pentacles: How did you used to make things work, organize your day and get things done? Just because you’ve had changes in your life since doesn’t mean you didn’t have good ideas. Look to practical, detail-oriented strategies that you may have left behind. What served you well at the time that you don’t do anymore? Rewind.

Saturday, Immediate Future – Ten of Cups Reversed: Loved ones may not be 100% on board with all of your choices, but that doesn’t change the fact they love you. Allow family (biological or chosen) their space and the freedom to have whatever feelings they have. It’s not a reflection on you and love wins out over minor disruptions. Rewind and let others manage their own reactions..

Sunday, Heart of the Situation – Seven of Swords Reversed: This isn’t about intentional duplicity. But someone may be fooling themselves just a touch. Double check your assumptions to make sure it’s not you. Review (and rewind if  warranted).

Overview/AdviceKnight of Swords Reversed: This suggests to me a methodical approach to the week. The Knight of Swords is traditionally a pretty speedy fellow, quick to make decisions and quick to regret them! Reversed, he’d be well advised to back up, slow down and double check. We’re still reviewing and, if appropriate, rewinding for another go!

Affirmation: Blue – Activate Your Healing Power. Sometimes it feels discouraging to revisit old issues. Why haven’t I mastered this? Why am I not further along? We want old woes to be yesterday’s news. But these periods of review are more than “proof” we don’t make the grade. They are healing checkpoints, invitations to refine our processes and also appreciate how many strides we’ve truly made. Take that as the gift it is. Soothe the raw spots in your life with love. Love always helps.

Are you getting a bit of review déjà vu lately?

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Color Cards, Deck of 1000 Spreads, Four of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Nine of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, Seven of Swords, Six of Wands, Steampunk Tarot, Ten of Cups

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  1. Loved this, Dixie!

    Last night I was thinking of Saturn cycles and what happened the last time Saturn in Scorpio squared my sun — and how I could do things differently this time. Your outlook just added some routes to my map (and I’ll be sure to review, rewind, and revise *winks*).

    Kiss-kiss, darling!

  2. This is so powerful. Just soaking it in.

    I have made progress – wow…needed that insight.

    Also, it does seem to have been assisted by invisible friends. Sending thanks to all of them, and to the wise Tarot Lady.

  3. Didn’t get a chance to read this earlier in the week. But looking at it through the rearview all i know to say is, spot on much? Lol

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