October 1

Reversed Two of Wands: Forward, Not Against


Lots of…pregnant, charged energy out in the wild right now. It’s a dynamic time. Shifts and change are underway, everywhere you look.

There are two general approaches to impacting change: warring against what you don’t want, or embodying what you do.

This inverted Two of Wands suggests against face-offs: it just doesn’t look like it goes well for him, does it? He gets all upside down, out of whack and losing his head.

I’m not going to tell you which approach to take–that’s not my decision to make.

But I know for me, the intention to embody what I want to see is a more comfortable way to live. It just feels better. I have more fun. I get to experience more of the world I want and less of it that I don’t. It’s a happier life.

And you can’t fully immerse yourself in the reality you want to live, being an integral part of the positive change you’d like for the world, if you care very much, that someone (or many someones) may not agree. That’s the nature of change. A few begin living it and thereby blaze the trail for others to follow.

Nobody else will see the Universe exactly as you do. And that’s as it should be! The diversity of many coming together is what moves us forward.

This week, focus on being who you want to be. Don’t worry much over who is not. You won’t have to sort that out, which is good. It’s an impossible task anyway.

Just sort out yourself. Honestly, that’s plenty enough to do.

Don’t you think?

This week features the Tarot Nova and Dix’s vibe interpretation services.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


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