December 9

12/09/11: Not my Problem | Reversed Two of Swords, Justice


“There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.” –Mohandas Gandhi


One thing that’s often helped me avoid bitterness and ill will is realizing that those who are unkind suffer for it—overtly or not. They are the way they are because of their own issues and as unpleasant as someone might be to experience, it’s undoubtedly more unpleasant to BE that person. Knowing that helps me muster a little more compassion, and reminds me to keep my own nose clean, you know?

Today’s Tarot is the reversed Two of Swords (Moon in Libra) and Justice (Libra). You don’t have to decide who gets theirs and and when. You don’t have to worry over fairness. Nor can you save someone from themselves. The simple truth is that it’s out of your hands.

The day of reckoning comes down, though, quite clearly according to who has done what. So bear that in mind when making your own decisions, huh? And don’t believe for a minute if you don’t see it, it doesn’t happen. Let it all go, and know people pay for their own mistakes, at times in ways that are not evident. Keep your eyes on your own scorecard, and you’ll do fine.

Do you find yourself  hit with the Karma you deserve?

 The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Housewives Tarot, Justice, Karma, Major Arcana, Two of Swords

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  1. Yes, I do. I feel like I get back what I put out and it’s usually much more powerful when it returns. But, I feel like you hit on something key with this:
    “One thing that’s often helped me avoid bitterness and ill will is realizing that those who are unkind suffer for it—overtly or not. They are the way they are because of their own issues and as unpleasant as someone might be to experience, it’s undoubtedly more unpleasant to BE that person”

    At one time, I was struggling with forgiveness. I was having a very hard time forgiving a person for something they had done directly to me. The wound that was inflicted was deep and left a horrible scar. One thing that I felt was blocking me was this person’s inability to admit what had happened. It made me feel crazy, to be honest. But, what helped is first realizing that I had control over whether I continued to be a victim. But second, realizing that with the mind set this person had, chances are they could go through their entire life and never experience true love unless something changed. How sad is that? To be so self inflicted that you cannot fully enjoy life or love? That actually gave me empathy for the person and I was able to forgive them. So, what you say about how unpleasant it is to BE that person is so so valid and so so true.

    Much love to Dixie

  2. I was thinking that karma might have been responsible for my feeling the way I am, but some of the troubles have been affecting my family, too. I’m carrying bitterness over one person (certain experiences), and the way they affected my life – no bitterness for anyone else.

    The way you write here, is the way I’ve always been. I always strived to not be unpleasant, and I try not to be now, and I’ve been wondering why I’ve been feeling so utterly awful, because I’ve worked so hard in the past, to be a good person, to treat people with kindness and compassion, even when they didn’t treat me with the same way. I find that when people are cold towards me, it makes me feel even worse. Luckily, people who are actually a part of my life, are the best part of it; someone told me last week, that she’s happy I’m a part of her life, and another told me she loves me and that she hopes I know that. Some people understand that I’m not really unpleasant at all, and that sometimes it isn’t karma, it’s being hit with too much at once, to deal with.

    Even the person I react to with bitterness, is one I responded to with kindness, after he hurt me so badly, more than once. But I see him being rewarded, and me and my good family being hit hard. I haven’t told anyone but family, why I was feeling so low, before the additional things hit me so hard, and I won’t tell anyone. I just hope to feel better soon, because it is worse just carrying around even the slightest bit of resentment or upset. What doesn’t help is when people you thought were one or two friends (online) think that you’re a troublemaker, when you never were. At least a couple of them don’t, and it was nice to hear from them this week. It’s nice to be *seen*.

  3. Angela, so true…

    “I’ve worked so hard in the past, to be a good person, to treat people with kindness and compassion, even when they didn’t treat me the same way…”

    It has been a shock to me how some people just attack out of the blue.

    Finding peace in these cards…


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