August 27

08/27/11: Job (Almost) Well Done | Reversed Three of Wands



I’m as guilty as anybody else of wanting everything figured out, settled, done and wrapped up with a neat little bow…uh, NOW! Especially when I’ve worked long and hard, the wait to see how it comes out is tiresome. It’s discouraging not to see the fruits clearly materialized on your timeline. But it sure doesn’t mean your work hasn’t had impact!

Today’s Tarot forecast is the Three of Wands reversed or Lord of Established Strength, associated with Aries Sun. It hasn’t been too long since we’ve seen this one. Like all Tarot Wands, this is an active energy and just as you’d suspect with an Aries Sun card, the work has been undertaken forcefully. Inverted, you may not be quite done or you may simply not be giving yourself credit for how much you have done.

So take a minute here to acknowledge your work, okay? Give yourself credit for all the strides you’ve made thusfar, even though the final reviews haven’t hit the papers. It may not be clear, how everything will come out yet, but much of the work has been completed and it’s far from a waste. It still counts.

What can you give yourself credit for?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

Schedule a consultation with Dixie.

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Aries Sun, Housewives Tarot, Three of Wands

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  1. Thanks, Dixie –
    I will do something I don’t normally do. Crow. LOL!

    Tons of stuff! (Seriously, you don’t want to hear it all!) Really, I’m quite proud of myself – that I’m still standing is quite a feat (literally and figuratively.) Evidently, I’m made of tougher stuff than I thought.
    (She says as she pats herself on the back.)

    Good morning, everybody! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and to all in the way of Irene, I send my prayers for your safety.

  2. I had a very impressive spiritual breakthrough this week, that manifested so incredibly I was stunned. Just…amazing. The “not done” part is keeping myself steady on that track, to be able to hang on to it even when it doesn’t manifest in my face, and to know that all things are for a reason.

  3. What a nice post today, Dixie, especially as we get ready to enter the silent rays of the Virgo New Moon. Feeling inadequate is par for the course with Virgo, who’s so hard on herself. We all need reminders like yours that we all deserve some credit.

  4. Yeah, huge huge strides! I’m always guilty of wanting to skip a year or two to suddenly find myself even further on that chosen path, with many more pieces put to the right place, so that I don’t have to do the remaining tedious work. But thanks to you always reminding me about remembering the strides I’ve already made, I am slowly learning that it’s nonsense to want it all NOW. Everything takes time and nothing happens instantly in this world and we’ve got to look back to see where we’ve come from more often, instead of onl looking forward to where we wanna be tomorrow. :peace:

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