What works, was right, was the best choice at one time doesn’t always remain the best choice forevermore. Shifts happen and if we’re stuck in the past, we miss the promise of the present. One modest, clearly defined action in the NOW trumps a million years of reflection, planning, or daydreaming over what once was or might have been. Dreams can inspire and uplift, but they’re most effective when based on a picture of the energy as it now exists.
Looks to be an emotional day with the Water Element reigning. We have the inverted Six of Cups (Sun in Scorpio) and the King of Cups (Fire in Water). It’s not the time for nostalgia or acting like it’s still “the good ol’ days.” It’s not. You can, however, do well by remaining true to your emotional feedback system, acting from your heart. The trick is doing a gut check, and making sure the conditions you’re responding to are CURRENT, not old stimuli. Big difference here. The field has changed.
So if you find yourself feeling unsettled, lacking trust, fearful, longing for the sense of safety and certainty from days gone by, that’s a hint right there, your head IS in the past. Beyond learning from the experience, not much you can do there. Instead, try visualizing a release, cutting those energy cords, forgiving and blessing and letting go of old paradigms. They no longer suit and cloud your perception.
The inverted Six of Cups suggests we let that dead horse rest in peace already. The King of Cups promises emotional fulfillment if we stay attuned to our heart, our intuition, via the grand emotional feedback system that serves as compass. It’s easy, if you remain aware.
Got any dead horses to bury?
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A sweet friend gave me a deck of Housewives’ Tarot Cards & I’m just starting to actually use them versus practice shuffling and loving the pictures. This morning I pulled the 9 of Swords & the picture is hilarious. A mother figure in a frame holding a knife over her head & lots of pictures of assorted knives & scissors. MAKES TOTAL SENSE TO ME – take the knife out of my back my mother put there & continue to cut the cord.
For ME it’s about umbilical cords & apron strings & MOTHERS. Last Christmas my daughter gave me a bigger pocket knife saying “to help cut the umbilical cords & apron strings because the one you have now isn’t working” hardy har har. And right now I’m working on stuff regarding my mother & my REAL history versus the one she made up to make herself feel better. This is a HUGE knife in the back – it’s quite stunning actually. Also it’s a 9 card & a numerologist told me my life path # is 9 based on my birth name. Imagine finding out later in life that wasn’t your birth name & my life path number really isn’t 9!
Then I turn on my computer & read the daily tarot; “Instead, try visualizing a release, CUTTING THOSE ENERGY CORDS, forgiving and blessing and letting go of old paradigms. They no longer suit and cloud your perception.” WOW!!! I understand my mom needs forgiveness for this, from herself more than anyone.
Synchronicity at its finest!!! (((Dixie))) Here are a few roses the horse’s funeral – he’s run a long race.
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
(((CancerMom))) :rose: That one’s for YOU.
Thanks for the rose Dixie! And with the fear being released I am not compelled to pull the petals off the rose to find out “Loves me, Loves me not, Loves me, Loves me not” because I know I AM LOVED!!! And shiny
Well, I don’t know about synchronicity or not……
but yesterday I spent a lot of time missing the horses I’ve buried.
Taking it literally, I guess.
Awww. Sorry for your losses, Kim.
Thanks, Dixie. I know they are still with me, but….you know.
Not the same.
I’d better go outside and give the two out there a big hug.
So sorry Kim, I know how this feels. Six year’s ago my daughter’s horse died and that was one of the hardest things I had to tell her – it still feels icky. Also, we lost a dog 2 weeks ago we’d had for over 12 years and animal love is PURE!
Maybe our horses and other pets are enjoying each other’s company in the open fields of sunshine in animal heaven. :sun:
Yes, but it isn’t happening. I’ve tried.
I know you struggle, Angela. I’m sorry.
I’m a little amazed here as well…
But I have LEARNED not to be surprised at Dixie’s Tarot.
Because about an hour ago, while trying to visualize white light to purify and move out of these shadows, I heard “cut the cords” and I knew I had to meditate today on scissors, knives and pruning shears to cut those negative old ties.
I had read this before from an author,(Susan Shumsky) who advised to cut them with love.
And it is strange how moms can implant more knives than anybody else. But I will still try to love her, because “I get to keep the knife.”
Here’s to some old horses… Love you but goodbye.
:rose: :rose: :rose:
And then…
:knife: :rain: :umbrella: :sun: :rainbow:
{{{sofie}}} You CAN love without the cords. In fact, it lets you love more, better, cleaner.