December 25

12/25/11: Zen Christmas? | Rev 6 Cups, Rev Knight Swords



Merry Christmas, folks! Today, we’ve got the reversed Six of Cups (Sun in Scorpio) and the reversed Knight of Swords (Air in Air). You can be a little nostalgic if you like a shot of that every now and then in your eggnog, but don’t be all over-idealistic over it, okay? It doesn’t have to be a perfect, made-for-TV-special day to be worthwhile. (Demanding such turns it more into an after-school special anyway.)

The joy is where you make it. Ya diggin’ me here?

Where’s your joy this Christmas?

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti

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Knight of Swords, Legacy of the Divine, Six of Cups

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  1. Merry Christmas Dixie!

    Yes, far from perfect, as I’m home/dixiblog/domains/ with the flu. But it’s very peaceful, with the carols on as we make more last minute crafts as gifts for the out-of-town relatives.

    Kind of nice, really… I think we’ll also give the doggie a bath!

    :peace: :dog: :peace:

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