Every time I plan to take a nap, circumstances seem to conspire against my goals! Like today’s Tarot forecast, I’m still going but kind of tired.
We have the reversed Nine of Wands or Lord of Great strength, associated with Mars in Sagittarius. Think a grand (Sagittarius) fight (Mars)! Big effort expended here. I most often see this card as indication of battle-weariness, but with resolve.
It’s that place where you’ve dug your heels in, breathing in your second wind, and you’re ready to break through, complete what you’ve started. Inverted, I’d expect more weariness than you’d like as you’re nearing the end of the standoff. The main point here, though, is seeing everything through. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and you can absolutely make it through.
After you pull over, you can take your nap. All the lessons you’ve soaked up will parade through your dreams and you’ll get yourself good and recharged with a bit of rest. Almost, okay?
Are you ready for a nap?
Mystic Dreamer Tarot by Heidi Darras |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
Thanks, Dixie!!
I. CAN. DO. IT!!!
We Libras may be nice, but good God we’re stubborn. You just don’t notice it.
Happy Labor Day weekend, everybody! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
The doggers, horses and I are waiting for the cold front to come rolling thru. Monday should be terrific – we’ll be lucky to hit 70!!!
OMG! On Saturday I thought this was just about “the nap” as my energy was drained from the week. But in the morning was totally thrown off by my daughter when she was up early dressed & ready to go but instead stayed home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html & her explanation was WAY out of left field & she was overly defensive. I just thought-oh well I’m too tired to asses I need a nap – that’s what Dixie’s card says today.
I had to see Monday’s card 9/5 to connect the dots! VERY INSIGHTFUL!!