October 8

Reversed Knight of Wands: Growing it in Your Head


I’m impatient lately. Beyond ready, like yesterday, to get certain resolutions pinned down, inked in, set and settled. It’s kind of an antsy place to be sitting. I also know from talking to my Tarot peeps, I am not alone here.

The Universe is not yet serving it up, however. Which means I’ve got more control of what goes on in my head than in the physical world, right this minute. I suppose this is generally true in the strictest sense. But I don’t always feel it so intensely as it is vibing right now.

These are exactly the feelings next week’s cards are speaking about to me.

Next Week in the Cards

Outlook is Knight of Wands reversed. Advice is Two of Pentacles. Please excuse the blurry photo; Radiant Rider-Waite Mini deck.

Repeat after me: Can’t make it happen. Can’t make it happen. Can’t make it happen.

You may be locked, loaded and set out on your faster horse. But you still cannot make it happen.

There may be a lot of energy building up, the torque is there for sure, but no way to release it, at least with any degree of hope it will land in the direction intended.

What you’ve got–and what I’ve got and all of us have got, really–is where we’re at now. You just do the best you can with that. Now, now, now. (I’m repeating this for me, thank you very much.)

Manage today as well as you can and let tomorrow take care of itself. You don’t have many other options, really. But that doesn’t mean following this advice won’t still bring relief. It’s more a matter of surrendering to where you are in the process than fighting the process itself.

Easier to say than do, I know. But worthy of doing still. So do what you can in that regard, and remain as content as you can out there, friends!

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Knight of Wands, Radiant Rider Waite, Two of Pentacles

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