September 3

09/04/13: Saying “No” to the drunk dial! / Reversed Knight of Cups



The reversed Knight of Cups often makes me think of being drunk: you may THINK you know what you’re saying, but…well, the next morning you can feel all “Big Shot” by Billy Joel. (Not that I’m showing my age or anything…ha!)

I’d not go getting all obsessive about though. Obsession is the root of many a drunk dial, you know? And drunk dialing never solves anything, my friends, be it literal or metaphorical dialing.

In short, get the emotional state clarified and stabilized before you try to act thereupon. There may be a blurty/gushy sort of compulsion over feelings that were not being openly acknowledged. Great to foster self-awareness; not so great to dump a half-cooked emotional stew into somebody else’s lap. That’s messy and can lead to embarrassment all around.

Meditation, journaling, exercise, artwork or even a damn nap may allow the subconscious to finish cooking. If you have a trusted confidant to help you sort things out, fair enough. But don’t be in too big of a hurry to ditch the emotional waves. There’s a lot to be said for coming to terms with your feelings before ridding yourself of them. They don’t appear in a vacuum. You want to understand and address the circumstances and thought processes that put you where you are before you rush out to be somewhere else, ya know?

And if you get incoming, don’t take it too seriously. Everybody occasionally offloads. Letting it pass with grace will earn mighty Karma points.

Are you seeing some punch-drunk out there?

Mystic Dreamer Tarot
by Heidi Darras

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Drunk, Knight of Cups, Mystic Dreamer, Tarot Cups

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