“A conflict begins and ends in the hearts and minds of people, not in the hilltops.” –Amos Oz
I do make it practice, to “live Zen” much as I can, because I’m so much happier! :yinyang: Even (especially?) with little things, I consider job to keep my intent pure, leaving the Universe to sort out the rest. I maintain faith that as I send out any energy, it will go where it needs to go, whether or not it’s how I’d have anticipated.
It’s is a very freeing perspective. Once I hit send on an email, hang up the phone, even once I write an Everyday Tarot column, I make a conscious effort to let that energy go without “outcome strings.” It’s not a guarantee I’ll never become frustrated, but it is a guarantee I’ll skip some ego-driven, internally-generated drama. If you always do the best you know how and put that out infused with good intent, it’s like Karmic insurance.
Today’s Tarot is the Five of Wands reversed or Lord of Strife, associated with Saturn in Leo. This lovely version from Shadowscapes features feisty foxes fighting. And you know, there is kind of a “pack” feel to the Five of Wands. It’s a crowd mentality—everybody is going at it with all they’ve got. Reversed, though, I’d expect an opportunity to end the struggle, perhaps simply by dropping out of the fray.
What if someone is being unkind or hurtful? Obviously, aggression doesn’t endear folks to us, but how much does it change, practically speaking? Is the threat real? Are the issues at stake relevant, or is it about hurt feelings? Restraining (Saturn) ego (Leo) may be in order. Because if we find a situation disagreeable, we can often choose not to pay attention. I try to feed the energy I like in my life, and starve unpleasant frequencies. It’s like an energetic volume setting.
There are an awful lot of fights we can escape by simply disengaging. Just because we’re nearby and get a shot aimed our way doesn’t mean we have to opt-in for a full-blown war. Certainly, there are times when it’s appropriate and necessary to fight. I’d never suggest otherwise. The question is, “Is this one?”
The reversed Five of Wands suggests reviewing battle zones. Is this a fight worth having? Can you easily erase it from your life by ceasing to pay attention? If it is a worthy battle, hold tight to your highest intention throughout and maintain kindness even as you step up to the challenge. Keep your integrity intact regardless. But if it’s not worthy of your attention, send good wishes to your would-be adversaries and leave the trashy vibes out on the curb. The stench lingers.
Do you have a battle afoot? How is it going?
Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law |
Schedule a consultation with Dixie.
I’m not surprised to see a battle card. I am surprised at the message of simply refusing to fight. It would be great to skate by today without a fight.
This weekend went the way I knew it would. My reinforcements didn’t arrive. Most of my army is still battle weary from the beginning of this retrograde. Today I figured I’d be starting War Week, beginning with today’s battle and then skirmishing, trying to obtain and conserve resources, until I either die or retrograde ends, whichever happened first.
This card gives me hope that maybe there’s another option to dealing with the avalanche of awful. I’d love for my marriage to survive this and be better for it. I just don’t see how it’ll happen.
{{{Garnet}}} I’m so sorry about the struggles you’re facing. Hold on to your love and good intention. It’s amazing how much that will get you through. Sending good vibes your way…
Again, totally on point. Thanks, Dixie.
Thanks, Marly.
” I make a conscious effort to let that energy go without “outcome strings.”” I LOVE THIS STATEMENT & I so wish I could do this. I can pretend the outcome isn’t important but at the end of the day this is what I want to know.
The battle is internal & I can avoid external conflict by disengaging & not attaching my energy where it doesn’t belong. My daughter gave me a bigger pocket knife for Christmas to help “cut the umbilical cord & apron strings” (it’s still not big enough) maybe I can use this for a “Outcome Strings” – LOL!
Wonderful stuff Dixie!
Let me know if your knife works–I’ll have to get me one! Those outcome strings are even stickier than dog hair tumbleweeds…
Good morning, everybody!
“I make a conscious effort to let that energy go without “outcome strings.” It’s not a guarantee I’ll never become frustrated, but it is a guarantee I’ll skip some ego-driven, internally-generated drama. If you always do the best you know how and put that out infused with good intent, it’s like Karmic insurance.”
Thank you, Dixie. I’ve got to work on that – I tend to revisit decisions made, and question whether they were right or not. At least I’ve been doing that lately. And I know in my heart I would never send out intent to harm anyone or anything. Just myself, it seems – in spending my energy going over things again and again.
But today is a new day, and for the first time in three months, I walked my dogs. WOOO-HOOO!!! How does it get any better than this?
:dog: :sun:
Walking the dogs sounds like a fabulous plan to me, Kim. Great way to reconnect a bit with your spirit. It certainly needs tending as much as anything else.
That card looks like a picture of my husband and me trying to move furniture or working on a home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html improvement project. Honestly, sometimes we’re even upside down! It’s timely, too, Dixie. He’s cleaning out his shop this week and it’s already off to a 5ofW start, except I’m staying as far away as possible. But sometimes, he pulls me back in. Wonder what we’ll be like by Friday? Hi-yi-yi-yi! (My card was the 6ofW today. I’m gonna let him be the hero.)
Sounds like a great plan, letting him be the Hero! Good luck, cj!!