December 21

12/21/11: Say What You Mean Already! | Emperor, Page of Swords



Today’s Tarot is the Emperor reversed (Aries) and the Page of Swords (Earth in Air). If well-meaning but cushioned attempts at communication fail to get the message across, be more direct. But be sure you don’t say anything you don’t mean—cuts made under these circumstance will “take,” you know? Don’t threaten unless you’re prepared to follow through, and are confident it’s worthy of doing so. Otherwise, you’ll just end up feeling like an ass. So sayth Tarot, according to Dixie!

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Page of Swords, The Emperor

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    1. I don’t have a singular meaning for the Emperor, reversed or upright. It’s kind of what I’m getting in the moment. In this context though, if he were upright, I’d expect controlled words.

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