May 13

05/14/13: Brakes on! / rev 8 Wands


“The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.” –Daniel J. Boorstin


What’s stopping this show? That’s what the reversed Eight of Wands seems to ask. Who (or what) is standing in the way of stuff being “settled?” Because there’s probably something that is single-handedly putting the brakes on resolution.

That’s fine, if it’s worth it. If not? Well, you do the math. Question what you’ve come to accept “must be” and if it’s a good bet to hold out. Maybe it is! I don’t’ know. I’m simply suggesting that you make it conscious, so it becomes a decision and not merely a default.

Are you seeking resolution?

Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Eight of Wands

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