Today, the reversed Seven of Cups says one thing to me, loud and clear: confusion! There’s fear of making a wrong call, lack of certainty about what each option really means, anxiety, muddled details and overall an urge to crawl back into bed and forget about the whole thing.
I wouldn’t advise the crawling-back-into-bed strategy. It doesn’t much help.
Here’s what does help: Separate out what you KNOW from what you’re afraid of knowing. Those are two very different sets of “facts,” y’all. What you know may not please you, but it at least narrows down options. What you’re afraid of finding out is far more likely to make you feel small and helpless.
One way to tell the difference is to tune in to the question and see where you head goes. If you feel just feel flat-out uncomfortable without a lot of baggage attached, it points to a questionable choice. Thanks, intuition! If instead you feel fear coupled with a vision of a series of disasters and worst-case scenarios playing out, that’s anxiety rather than intuition.
The same principle applies to desired scenarios. If you feel good when focusing on a particular choice, that’s a helpful indication. If your mind goes on to conjure up all sorts of over-the-top, fantastical outcomes, you’re more likely rolling around in a pile of wishful thinking than getting any true vibes.
I go to the negative first because I think this is where most people will tend to stray, but delusion comes in both flavors.
Are you feeling confused by the choices before you?
Mystic Dreamer Tarot by Heidi Darras |
Schedule a session with Dixie.
I love this post. Very helpful. Thanks, Dixie.
I’ve been thinking about being “in flow” lately: if in order to get something done, a lot of obstacles come up and getting through them makes you feel like you’re grinding gears, then you’re not in flow. Then you know that you’re forcing solutions. Life is hard enough, but oftentimes when we’re in flow, the answer is simple and organic. This is not the same thing as expecting that life will be easy, though. The difference is subtle.