June 27

06/27/12: Words to Happy? | rev Sun, rev Knight Swords



Wherever you’re not happy, look to how you think and communicate in that realm. Step back as if an outside party, and listen to yourself think and talk about the topics at hand. In your speech and thoughts, and you’ll find reflections of areas of disharmony, lacking balance. Words can also cast a pall over your joy. Pay attention to how you speak about your life. If you talk a lot of problems you don’t have, speak of fears or have expectations of doom, it’s hard to be happy. Thoughts and words can become second nature, a subconscious part of our script. Rewrite the story to better suit you. Paint a prettier scene.

What impact do you find what you say has on your happiness?

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
by Ciro Marchetti

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Air Element, Knight of Swords, The Sun

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