The Queen of Wands is a strong, determined woman of considerable passion and creative force. She isn’t someone you want for an opponent because she can dig her heels in like nobody’s business! She’s not cold (like the Queen of Swords potential), but rather it’s her very heat that makes her such a formidable foe.
Reversed, the Queen of Wands appears to be off her game. Maybe she’s become overly stubborn and just inflexible. Maybe she’s lost some of her will. For whatever the reason, some of her fire gets lost, some of her efforts may be at cross purposes to her goals when she’s showing up inverted.
To get her aright, go back to basics. Remember what you are trying to do, but more importantly, WHY you are trying to do it! What made you want to get that job, create that art, fight that battle or make that move? What MOVES you about the question? If you can reconnect to what ignited your initial passion for your trek, you can rekindle the flame that fuels this woman’s accomplishments. Look inside to recapture her inner light, and you can graduate to the King of Wands and make it happen in the outer world.
Are you ready to reconnect with the Queen of Wands’ fire?
![]() Legacy of the Divine Tarot |
Schedule a session with Dixie.
I swear, you pull this stuff and just NAIL me.
They sent him home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html yesterday. Anybody here remember when my daughter tried to kill herself at school right after her 13th birthday? It was kinda like that — they were supposed to keep him for five to seven days. We are almost down there to visit, and he calls. “They are sending me home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html.”
I thought I was gonna puke.
Today I am still angry, and pretty pissy, but tomorrow will be better, and I’ll probably be close to fine the next day. I need processing time, and I didn’t have it. He went in Thursday evening, and came home/dixiblog/domains/afoolsjourney.com/public_html Sunday afternoon.
So yeah, this one suits me like a bullseye. Again. LOL…you amaze me, Dix. And yes, I am okay, other than the pissy short tempered thing. But I am the damned queen, and I do not stay down long!
” But I am the damned queen, and I do not stay down long!” That is something I noticed about you right off, Kristine. Definitely a good thing.