July 21

07/21/12: I’m the crazy one? | rev Page Swords, rev Sun


|reversed page of swords, reversed sun tarot

We’ve got the reversed Page of Swords and the reversed Sun—your happiness (or rather lack thereof) is largely determined by your chain of thought. As in INTERNAL, not external. There’s likely a logical breakdown that’s dogging. Something about how people “should” do things perhaps, but don’t? One way or another, you’re likely missing the point.

Know how I said yesterday, the family’s happiness is not all about you? Today is the flip side. Your happiness IS all about you. That is both gift and curse, man.

Can you see ways to become happier solely by altering your thoughts surrounding a situation?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Housewives Tarot, Page of Swords, The Sun

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  1. I have been changing the perspective of my thoughts on so many things… it’s amazing how just a shift in how you see things takes a lot of the fear, doubt, and pessimism away. Of which, I had quite a lot! lol

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