April 18

04/19/13: Emotional Tantrums / Page of Cups rev



The Page of Cups reversed suggest emotionality run amok—high emotional engagement, quick turnarounds, mostly unpredictable and irrational. Immature and overblown outbursts are a real possibility. That’s not to say the root emotions themselves aren’t real, only poorly regulated and blown way out of proportion. I’m thinking tantrums worthy of a 2-year-old who missed naptime.

Don’t be thrown by drama and for God’s sakes, try not to be the source! If you feel a wave building, execute a prompt retreat because it’s most likely very short-lived. Much better to spend a couple minutes in your own space and expend privately than have need to make apologies once you’ve sobered up.

Judge whatever information such drama yields with the 60/40 rule…60% truth, 40% dramatic license and you should have a good idea of how others are actually feeling. Or how you are actually feeling, if you’re the gushing spigot. It should help with perspective.

How are YOU doing?

 Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Page of Cups

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