September 10

09/11/13: Not Perfect but Pretty Damn Good / 8 of Pentacles Rx


8 of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles reversed doesn’t mean your entire life is falling apart. It just means something isn’t likely working quite how you want it to work.

But you have the skills, the materials and the experience to make things work. The secret is pretty simple: notice! Notice what’s off and fix it. I’m seeing this as a call to make minor adjustments. The Eight of Pentacles is a Virgo card and as we know, Virgo can be perfectionistic. A reversed Eight of Pentacles is “almost perfect.” So see it as such and continue to refine, refine, refine until satisfied.

Even upside down, that housewife crafter is happy. It’s okay! Just keep working on it. We may not be perfect, but we’re pretty damn good. And that I’ll take!

Are you seeing the pretty damn good?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Eight of Pentacles, Housewives Tarot

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