June 14

06/15/13: Impatient Student / rev 8 Pentacles



One aspect that’s present in the Eight of Pentacles (or here, Earth) that is often overlooked is apprenticeship. Maybe because it’s more rare today than it once was, I often just don’t think of it when dealing with this card. But whether the training is more formal or less, isn’t most education a form of apprenticeship?

Reversed, much like yesterday’s reversed Seven of Pentacles, it would seem there’s an impatience to complete the long-term commitment it takes to reach mastery.

Gah, I understand. Reading about a new technique or watching a video to learn a new skill is one thing. It’s exciting! Ongoing, dedicated and consistent practice is another thing entirely…

Um…I think I have some practice to do.

How about you?

Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

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Eight of Pentacles, Gaian Tarot

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  1. I made french fries this morning. My knife cuts are STILL NOT RIGHT. My brain knows that a batonet is 1/4 by 1/4 by 2 inches, but my hands still don’t make consistent 1/4 inch cuts when I do them.

    Tonight I don’t have a paper to do, I don’t have a mise list to write up. Maybe I’ll just cut some veggies instead and make pico de gallo in perfect little quarter-inch cubes. *chuckle* *sigh*

    The 14th-16th, I think your deck is talkin’ right at me. Which is both amusing and mildly eerie. Not bad, you understand, just eerie.

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