May 3

05/04/13: Spilled wine / rev 5 Cups



Yesterday may have been hard. Nobody likes to be a pincushion! Today, we’re grieving a loss with a reversed Five of Cups. Cards like this, I prefer to see inverted because it mitigates the grief.

In other words, losses are likely to be partial, illusionary, not as bad as your feared, short-term or otherwise incomplete. So be glad for what you still have. (And you probably would be fine to down one of those remaining drinks! Just go rinse out the gown first so the wine doesn’t set into a stain.)

Don’t dwell. Acknowledge the loss, but also acknowledge what remains. Be grateful it wasn’t worse, and always appreciate the fact that now, you know what you need to know. Like much in life, the anticipation of loss is much heavier than dealing with the actuality of experiencing the loss.

Are you cleaning up spilled wine?

The Housewives Tarot
by Paul Kepple

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Five of Cups, Housewives Tarot

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