March 20

03/21/13: Distractions / rev 4 of Cups


So…today, I got sucked in the black hole of studying how to make better videos instead of actually, say, MAKING better videos…now, I’m not saying this was a complete waste. I’m not happy with my skills yet. I learn a lot from this research. I’ll use that data and hope y’all will reap the benefits.

But it’s a fine balance, you know? A fine balance.


Uh oh.

Here, we have the reversed Four of Cups, associated with Moon in Cancer. Can you say “moody?” The mood here to me suggests a dreamy dissatisfaction. He ignores the three cups in front of him, and doesn’t even seem to be focusing on or reaching for the fourth. He’s lost in his own process. He’s thinking it to death!

Don’t get so caught up in the notion of perfection, of what you are missing, that you fail to capitalize on what you’ve got right this minute. How do you think you get there from here, huh?

A little dissatisfaction is fine, often even healthy. It highlights growth potential. A lot can leave us discouraged. Any kind of what-if daydreaming can be creative, productive and inspiring. Too much, it can be procrastination in a shiny dress.

Stay emotionally connected to where you’re at; allow yourself some time to dream it up, sure! Allow yourself to honestly acknowledge potentials unrealized. But don’t get bogged down in the process.

Eh. Guess I’d better get back to work!

Do you get distracted?

Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
by Us Games Systems

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Four of Cups, Moon in Cancer, Radiant Rider Waite

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  1. Do I get distracted? That’s hilarious! I’ve worn the dazzling dress of procrastination for years with shoes and a handbag to match. Did I mention my tiara?

    Yesterday I ignored the other 3 cups a little when I got sucked down memory lane. WTF where did that come from? I HATE when that happens! I even tried cleaning out my office. I removed EVERYTHING from the floor then vacuumed & dusted the baseboards. No bags of garbage hiding in a corner ya know – snort.

    Ahh now I understand, I just read the Moon moved into Cancer Tuesday afternoon. Yep, right on schedule & the bitch took me down memory lane.

    “Stay emotionally connected to where you’re at”. Wise advice my pink haired friend.

  2. I already *love* your videos ~as they are~! Make sure you don’t lose the “Dixie specialness” when you go trying to improve them!!!

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