June 24

06/24/12: Don’t spill the whine | rev 2 Cups



Emotional discord—the love may well be there, but perhaps you’re not on the same page with someone close. This can (and is) often a fleeting influence, Tarot twos are young-in-the-cycle type energy, so immaturity could come into play. If you are overly-emotional, edgy or off balance, first thing to do is take a deep breath and let yourself center.

To get back in alignment, look for what you have in common emotionally, ways you are alike and have similar loyalties and intentions.  The more important the commonality, the closer to your heart, the more it turns up the connection. Heart energy resonance is powerful medicine.

What do you find heals emotional discord?

Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck
by Bill Greer & Lloyd Morgan

Schedule a Tarot consultation with Dixie.

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Morgan-Greer, Tarot Twos, Two of Cups

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