February 15

Reaching – Weekly Flow Tarot Forecast, Feb. 16 – 22


Weekly Tarot Forecast Feb 15

Often after I look at the weekly cards, I search for a story, an observation to give it some context. Looking at these week’s forecast is like seeing a roadmap to all kinds of life transitions. I can see the process I went through when transitioned to self-employment outlined in these cards. I can see the process of leaving my family’s religion here. I can see my courtship and marriage here. I can see my adjustments becoming a parent here, in these cards. The process is defined this week, with helpful hints for handling hurts, distraction and delay. If you are undergoing an important transition, I think you’ll see yourself here as well.

Monday, Partner – Ten of Pentacles: There’s comfort, joy, love and riches (of many kinds) with the partnership of whomever is “family” to you. This is speaking to old school connections, people who are genuinely invested in your welfare, usually long-term companions. A family member, mate, sister or “brother from another mother” has a lot to offer–if you are willing to act in partnership.

Tuesday, What to Let Go of in the Future – Three of Swords Rx: Let the old heartbreaks die already! Sometimes we clutch our wounds as if they alone provide self-identity. Pain shapes identity without question, but should not comprise identity. Big difference. Because it’s not our history of hurts that makes as who we are so much how we choose to heal from that history! Release the wounds, while honoring the lessons. It’s like cutting a tether to the ground so you can fly.

Wednesday, Outcome – The Sun: Joy! Happiness! Hope! This is my favorite “outcome.” Revel in the day. Follow your bliss to find enchantment. It’s a good day for play, dancing and any kind of fun.  :-)

Thursday, Crowing Influences – King of Cups: Honor thy heart, grasshopper, and act in accordance. What’s in your heart today is a shining beacon that not only shows you the way, but strengthens and encourages everyone you touch. Honest, heartfelt expressions spread hope. A day full of love, should you choose to act in a loving way yourself. One gentle caution though: love is not always as effortless as it sounds. Vulnerability and risk are the price of this particular brand of magic. My opinion? Worth it.

Friday, Cons – Six of Wands Rx: Don’t overcommit. I’m seeing this as wanting to have more to give than you actually do. There may be a tendency to overpromise and then, you’re on the hook. Delay promises of assistance until you’ve tallied up your own accounts. If you hastily offer what you cannot comfortably afford—be it time, energy, money or whatever—you’ll soon enough regret the obligation.

Saturday, Action – Page of Wands Rx: Delays are likely. I see this as progress, albeit not quite enough to suit us. There is a good chance the delay itself will serve a useful purpose, though. It often does, right? So try to roll with it.

Sunday, Clarification – King of Wands Rx: Why the delay yesterday? Factors beyond your control! That’s okay. It is what it is. Just know it’s going to take a minute to work through those bigger plans. Accept and release attachment to timetables. We’re so impatient sometimes! It would be a great idea, though, to schedule something special today. Activities that fire up your imagination and get your blood pumping help release the feeling of being thwarted you may otherwise have lingering.

Overview/Advice, Blocking or Covering – Ace of Wands: The passion for your plans are there, but the details are not. Run through the facts, review background information, and begin planning. Don’t lose your fire. Just know you need more.

Affirmations (we have two, as one card fell out in the shuffle): Desire is the beginning of all creation. I look for more reasons to appreciate. These statements are like two sides of the same coin.

Desire is the wanting, acknowledging what you do not have—it’s the motivation for change. Desire is the Ace of Wands we got as advice! It can either block us (if we take it as straight up dissatisfaction, proof of our failings), or blanket our efforts with a focus, a purpose. How we interpret our desire makes all the difference in which way steers us. Focus your desire not on what you don’t want, but firmly upon what you do. There is a huge difference between fear-based desire (e.g. I don’t want to be alone, or I don’t want to be broke) and goal-based desire (I want a partner, I want comfort). Energetically and subconsciously, negative words don’t “take” well, so the Universe doesn’t hear the “don’t.” Focus your desire on the “do” instead.

Gratitude is not only the outcome of desires fulfilled, but the fuel which propels us toward desires. Appreciation lifts us when we’re low. Appreciation energetically aligns us with achieving more of whatever we are appreciating. Appreciation provides energy, impetus, connection and facilitates flow. Spending even 30 seconds in a state of true, deep gratitude immediately raises our vibration, opens the heart chakra and invokes a type of magnetism, an alignment with whatever we are appreciating. The value of gratitude cannot be overstated. It’s one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. Use it!

Between the two affirmations, we have a very simple formula for making changes. Acknowledge desire and appreciate progress.

So, how’s your week looking?


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Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Ace of Wands, Affirmations, Deck of 1000 Spreads, King of Cups, King of Wands, Page of Wands, Six of Wands, Tarot Illuminati, Ten of Pentacles, The Sun, Three of Swords

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