January 9

01/09/12: Living Out Loud | Queen of Wands



“If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.” –Emile Zola

I always wince a little bit when I pull the Queen of Wands. Not because she’s ugly, necessarily. She can be, if you get in her way. But because I relate so little to her. While I consider myself creative, my chart is notably short on Fire. I’m much more comfortable with the sharp wit of the Queen of Swords, or the caretaking of the Queen of Pentacles. Even the water-works sentimentality of the Queen of Cups works for me. I know that energy; it feels comfortable. But Tarot wands? Eh, not so much.

I have heard it said, though, that the cards that dog you, keep popping up while you’re scratching your head, are ones especially worthy of your attention. Tarot is kind of like that, turning up the volume if you can’t hear the message.

This queen isn’t all overwrought with planning or thinking or feeling. She isn’t agonizing over what others will think or carefully playing it safe, careful of every step lest she make a mistake.

She just DOES. With passion, with fire, with her whole self engaged. She can, because she’s in touch with the light in her heart, the fire in her belly. She knows what drives her and that knowledge helps her tap inner passion. She’s determined (some would say stubborn, and they may be right), resourceful, and above all, unafraid. To her, making a mistake is a far lesser risk missing an opportunity. She is not timid. She lives out loud.

Taking notes, Tarot. Just do.

Where do you see the Queen of Wands energy?

Tarot: The Complete Kit
by Dennis Fairchild

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Queen of Wands, Tarot Court, Tarot Nova, Tarot Queens, Tarot Wands

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  1. Mhm…. I have a pittance of Fire in my chart.. I NEED some (or a lot) of that Queen of Wands energy… it’s probably why I ADORE feisty, loud women so much! LOL

  2. She always comes up for me and I relate to her totally. I do have a grand fire trine, after all. I don’t think of her as loud, though. Opinionated, bold, and jumping in with both feet, but not loud — that’s just vulgar. A good way to use her is to be passionate, but to be aware that you don’t need much of her fire to get people inspired. A little bit goes a long way. And if you tap into your passion, you help others tap into their in a very subtle way. This Queen is not very Virgo, because she knows that striving for perfection can be another excuse for never getting things done. Looking at all the flaws can keep one from recognizing the happy accidents that life deals out. So those are my hints about using her energy.

  3. Living out loud is how I exists – my famIly’s ears can attest but I don’t think that’s what you’re referring to with this quote & card. For me this is telling me it’s time to use this energy for what needs to be done in MY life & NOT using my energy or resources for anyone else’s life which unfortunately is kind of I’ve been doing.

    Great advice!!

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