September 28

09/28/12: CONFIDENCE! | Queen of Wands


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“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” –Oswald Chambers

Yeah, we just had the Queen of Wands show up a few days back. And here she is again. I’m listening, Queen! (Not that I would ever recommend ignoring her. I don’t think she’d take to it kindly.)

The Queen of Wands can handle anything or anyone. It’s not bravado nor arrogance. It’s honesty, devoid of the need to underplay her skills in order to convince herself or anyone else she’s a good person.

She already knows she is a good person, and capable. She is consistently unapologetic for her considerable gifts. Her confidence is part of her allure, no doubt.

Be this Queen: stand steadfast and tall and sing your song, proud. Do not let detractors dissuade you from exercising your own strength.

Connect to your own nature by the truth of your words, the integrity of your deeds, the depths of your passion, and you’ll be able to tap this Queen’s energy.

Today, she says to us to be self-assured, be passionate and be unafraid.

Do you have use for this Queen’s energy in your life?

Shadowscapes Tarot
by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

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Queen of Wands, Shadowscapes

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