May 10

Queen of Pentacles & Nine of Swords: Making Way


What looks like bad news isn’t always. How many times have you freaked out about something you didn’t want to happen only to realize in the end, it was a good thing? Maybe even the best possible way forward?

When you want to remodel, you have to clear the old mess out. It always gets worse before it gets better.

That’s what this coming week is looking like. Disruptive for sure. But perfect at the same time.

We just can’t quite see it yet.

Next Week In Tarot: May not be Easy

For the outlook we have Flowering (Queen of Pentacles). For advice, I drew Sorrow (Nine of Swords), with a clarifying draw of Thunderbolt (The Tower). I used the Osho Zen Tarot and because of the complexity of these cards, I always read them upright regardless of how they appear.

Putting this together, I am seeing a week of clarity unfolding. All is progressing as it should.

That doesn’t, however, mean it necessarily FEELS like that is what happening. The outlook is great, but the advice cards here are unsettling. So, it may bother us, what we see. We may find events of the coming week upsetting and scary.

But just allow yourself to feel whatever it is you feel (and really, what choice have we got)? Understand, what seems scary and disruptive is a natural part of the process. Much change doesn’t progress smoothly, evenly, and gently. Sometimes, it’s the tearing down of the old walls that must happen before the new ones get built. Decay disruption clear the decks and allow for improvement. Without that, we’d be forever stuck.

I would add to the advice here: be slow to take action. Let the disruptions shake out. Be kind to yourself in the midst of emotional processing and allow all of that you need. But don’t let your concerns prompt you to “do something” to resolve at this point because anything you do under a stressed out, must-act-now influence is highly unlikely to be helpful.

Let the truth sort itself out. You’ll recognize what’s solid by what’s left standing.

Are you seeing cause for concern? And are you able to sit it out?

If you would like a private session to check in, give me a holler.

Looking for a personal Tarot Forecast?

Dixie works with all kinds of people looking for all kinds of support in confidential, one-on-one sessions.  Find out more about working together or see what her clients say about the experience.


Nine of Swords, Osho Zen Tarot, Queen of Pentacles, The Tower

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