May 9

Queen of Cups Rx & Justice: Don’t Be an Ass


I was talking with a customer service rep a few days ago. He wasn’t able to do what I wanted to be done.

“I’m frustrated with this answer, but I know it’s not your fault,” I told him.

The relief he expressed was palpable, even through a text chat.

I acknowledged his job is a hard one and customer service reps are getting hammered. I expressed appreciation for his efforts, regardless of the outcome. He was doing his best and I knew that.

I don’t know how many people he’d dealt with before me, or how they’d behaved. I don’t know was going on in his personal life or what other worries he was juggling. All I know is I felt a wave of relief and appreciation wash over the me minute it became clear I wasn’t going to dump on him for being the bearer of bad news.

Essentially, I was the recipient of profound appreciation for a kindness as humble as not being an ass.

I’d like to think I can almost always meet the “don’t be an ass” standard of humanity. It’s not an especially high bar, but worthy of consistency nonetheless.

Next week? I’m expecting plenty of the feels. This might get messy. Be kind anyway.

Next week in Tarot

This week, the outlook is the Queen of Cups (coming in reversed/pictured upright) with Justice for advice–here, pictured from The Good Tarot.

Emotions continue to rule the coming week–don’t expect them to retain consistency with any specific version of reality. Don’t expect the emotions to necessarily even agree with one another. The “feels” are not about conforming to expectation or answering to reason. Hello!

Emotion doesn’t have to make sense. It just is, and just being is enough.

Graciously accept whatever emotional wave rolls in–fighting doesn’t help anyway. Besides, even the most challenging emotions always roll back out again. Feel it. Cry your tears or rant your rants or whatever you’ve got to do. Let it flow through and when it subsides, consider a nap. Naps are good medicine.

But in terms of dealing with one’s fellow humans, employ the judiciousness and careful thoughtfulness of Justice. Weigh out responses. Act fairly and impartially. Do what you’ve agreed to do. Don’t try to force others to be you. Be as reasonable as you can manage. It will make things easier, especially as everyone out there is riding their own waves of the feels.

There is valid role for both emotion and reason, It’s not difficult to honor both. The difference isn’t in the which so much as it’s in the when.

Be kind to yourself and one another out there.

If you’d like a personal consult, please reach out. I’ll  work with folks on fees as needed during these weird times we live in. Stay well, friends!

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Good Tarot, Justice, Queen of Pentacles

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