August 22

08/22/12: Life as the Queen of Cups



“I’m very emotional; I think I may go mad in several years’ time.” reddie Mercury

Some days, I’m very “Queen of Cups.” Emotional, heart-driven, teary-eyed, over-sensitive, intuitive, moody, loving and confused.

Okay. Maybe a lot of days.

Boundaries would be good, ongoing project for her. They don’t come naturally, but can spare her melting into whomever is nearby or taking on all the energy in the room. It also helps keep her from paying so much attention to everybody ELSE that she ignores her own path, her own growth. That’s not helpful.

I imagine a fair number of folks reading a Tarot site can relate to this Queen, because she’s one of the archetypes you’d expect for psychics, intuitive, healers, and do-gooders of all kinds. But beware—sometimes, she’s just straight-up nutty. It’s a fine line.

Do you relate to the Queen of Cups? How?

Cosmic Tarot Deck
by Norbert Losche

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Cosmic Tarot, Queen of Cups

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  1. Yes, especially lately. Yesterday, for instance, I spent the entire day crying. Have fallen head over heels in love with a dazzling guy and he’s been acting distant.

  2. Yeah… taking care of others this week, big time. This is huge for me… remembering to take care of self also. I can really sacrifice to the extreme when others (family and loved ones) really need. Thing is I also sacrifice feeling and my own emotions until I have taken care of others and have time to stop, let go, and cry later. I gotta adjust the balance better.

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